ESOL Teaching Ideas

Teaching ideas and strategies to aid students learning English. #esl #esol #vocabulary
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A World of Language Learners
Help your ELLs get a great start to the school year with these teaching materials. You will find assessments, goal setting organizers, vocabulary building activities, writing task cards, and more to support your student at the beginning of the school year. #esl #backtoschool #esol
5 Benefits of Using Task Cards with ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Learn about how to use task cards with your ESL students. Some of the benefits include that you can find visual task cards and use them for students to play games. #taskcards #esl #esol
Phonics for ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Phonics are an important part of teaching ELLs how to read in English. Learn how to make phonics instruction accessible to ESOL students. #aworldoflanguagelearners #phonics #esl #vocabulary
Fall Picture Scenes
Kids will enjoy practicing English vocabulary as they search for autumn themed nouns verbs in this set of Fall Picture Scenes. There are full page pictures scenes, smaller pictures scenes with labled English vocabulary, differentiated worksheets for writing included. This is a fun way for ESL students to practice vocab. It is a great addition to an ELD lesson.
5 Ways to Teach Main Idea & Details
Learn some new ways to help your ELLs practice main idea and supporting details. These activities will allow your students to have hands on practice. #mainidea #supportingdetails #esl
Back to School Routines Sorting Pack
Introduce school routines with this set of sorting cards and worksheets. This is a great way to help students think about what behavior is acceptable for school. These materials can be used at the beginning of the school year, or when students need to review routines. #routines #behavior #esl
Ideas for teaching academic language to English Language Learners. #vocabulary #words #ELLs #esol #esl #language #teachersfollowteachers #backtoschool #bts #academiclanguage
Diverse Back to School Books for MLs - A World of Language Learners
Here is a list of diverse back to school books for ELLs. Book topics include starting at a new school, culture, respect, names, and identity. #backtoschool #bts #diversebooks #esl #esol #ells
Language Learning Strategies for Teaching ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Language Learning Strategies for Teaching ELLs. Ideas to help your English Language Learners have a successful school year. #aworldoflanguagelearners #esol #esl #ells #eld #vocabulary #academiclanguage #diversity #esolteacher #backtoschool #bts
All About Me Graphic Organizer
Get to know your students AND help them generate ideas for writing with this FREE All About Me Graphic Organizer. #studentinterests #esl #ells #esolteacher #allaboutme #backtoschool #bts
Creating Vocabulary Folders for ELLs
Learn how to make vocabulary folders. With a few simple materials you can quickly set up your own. These are a great tool to help ELLs expand their vocabulary. #esl #esol #ells #vocabulary
5 Ways to Teach Main Idea and Details to ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Do your ELLs need help practicing main idea and supporting details? These activities will allow your students to have hands on practice. #main idea #supportingdetails #esl
How to Create Vocabulary Folders for ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Learn how to make vocabulary folders. With a few simple materials you can quickly set up your own. These are great for ELLs. #esl #esol #ells #vocabulary
Teaching Parts of Speech to ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Help your ELLs learn about parts of speech with hands on activities. Students will enjoy learning English grammar as they play games or use task cards. #partsofspeech #grammar #esl #esol
Retelling with ELLs - A World of Language Learners
Learn new ideas for retelling with English Language Learners. Retelling is a great way to incorporate speaking skills into the classroom. #retelling #esl #reading #readingstrategy