VBS 2018

Look for a Lost Coin Hide enough coins in your room so that each child will be able to find one. On the word go tell your children to go and find only one coin and then go and sit down. If a child can't find a coin, ask the class to help him. Prayer Coins Give each child ten chocolate coins. Have them think about people they might pray for and talk to about Jesus this week. Write the names of the people they think of on the coins with a permanent marker. Tell them that when they eat one they should pray for the person whose name is on the coins. Bible Verse Review Game Write the Bible verse on some chocolate coins, one word per coin. (You can use circles cut from shiny paper if you don't have the chocolate coins.) Make at least three sets. Have your children play three at a time. Review the Bible verse and write in on the board. If you have younger children use only a few words of the verse at a time. Have your children mix up the coin and on the word go see who can place the coins in order first. Keep playing until all the children have had a chance to play. You can also have the children play in groups. Ideas from Subscribers This week in Sunday school class (age up to 6) we learned about the Parable of the Lost Coin. As an introduction to the lesson, I had hidden ten silver coins around the classroom. I hid them rather hard so that it would take a while for the children to find them. I hid the last coin really hard. After the first nine were found, I gave the children a few hints on how to find the 'lost coin". When the coin was found, the children were so very proud of their accomplishment that they burst out with exciting squeals of joy. We then went into our discussion on the parable. We talked about how the lady in the parable searched for her lost coin, but could not find it. After searching for a while, she lit a lamp and searched some more. Still not finding it, she got a broom and began to sweep. She swept and swept and upon finding the coin she rejoiced. She even called her friends and neighbors and asked them to rejoice with her for her lost coin is now found, kind of like when we found our 'lost coin" and it made us so happy. We then discussed the Lord's search for the lost and how we can be used to witness to those who do not know the Lord in what we say, what we do, and how we act. We must be diligent in living our lives for the Lord, and being set apart from the world, as the lady in the parable was to find her lost coin. And when a lost person sees this difference in us, they will eventually ask why we are different, opening the door for us to lead them to Jesus. Then, all the angels in heaven can rejoice over the one lost soul who repents of their sins. For our craft, we made a craft stick puppet of the lady from the parable holding a money bag in one hand the lost coin, which she found in the other. Theresa Make a purse or pouch out of fun foam sheets. Have your children decorate them with fun foam stickers. Punch holes in the sides and have them lace yarn through the holes. Have the boys make pouches they can wear on their belts. Just add loops to the back of the pouch.
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Peter and John heal a lame man. He can jump, and leap, and praise God! Acts 3:3. We also listened to the song from Cedarmont Kids Bible Songs and danced and leaped when the song said to. (Silver and Gold I Have None)
Galloping Finger Puppet Zebra Craft
This finger puppet zebra craft is fun for kids to make and kids will love playing with their zebra craft by making it gallop around the house. Cute animal craft, zoo craft for kids, preschool craft, crafts for kids and summer kids craft.
Pocket Rocks with Words of Encouragement, 7 Painted Stones for Military, Pocket Rocks for Kids — Alleluia Rocks
This set of 7 Encouragement Stones are great for members of the military, for kids, for teachers, or anyone in need of affirmation! CLICK to see more images! #wordsofaffirmation #encouragementpebbles #wordsofempowerment #alleluiarocks
Top 20 Sunday School Crossword Puzzles For Kids
Acts 3 Peter Heals the Lame Man Sunday School Crossword Puzzles: Peter heals the lame man is a powerful story filled with life changing truth. Help your kids dive deeper into this lesson with this Sunday school crossword puzzle. Filled with lesson related questions you're going to love watching your kids search Acts 3 to solve this printable activity page.
Peter and the Lame Man Bible Craft
Peter and the Lame Man Bible Craft! This guy can DANCE!!! The littlest learners will love this craft which teaches colors, shapes and the healing power of the Apostles!!
Sailing Ship Coloring Page
printable make a pirate ship, would make a good snack box for party fun too.