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Science perseveres
The COVID-19 pandemic hit as NASA scientists and engineers were readying their newest Mars rover for liftoff. The aptly named Perseverance conquered its first challenge by launching last July, on target for landing in February 2021. The rover’s mission was planned for at least one Martian year—or 687 days, as humans calculate time on Earth. By Manuel Canales Research: Patty Healy Art: Bruce Morser #infographics #Marsrover #natgeo @canalesgraphics
Holy smoke: Incredible images of vapour trails and cones created by planes in the sky
The image shows the effect of a sonic boom from below the aircraft
Birdwatching — Keith Thomson
An F/A-18 demonstrates the Prandtl-Glauert singularity (vapor cone near Mach 1) and/or an interdimensional portal