Information visualization

134 Pins
HPE Infographics by Jing Zhang
The perspective on this infographic is also very unique and detailed. Upon looking closely, it shows a tiny city, divided by theme with the use of levels. This creative design also maximizes the space and fills the whole frame. The way it starts at one corner and ends at the opposite makes for a balanced graphic.
TOTAL calendar - Jing Zhang
An illustrative calendar project for TOTAL Russia, with Design Bureau in Moscow. 12 illustrations are created to show how TOTAL manage their oil extraction, products manufacture, logistics in a more sustainable way.
International tourism from 1950-2012. The evolution of tourism, which are the most popular countries to fly to, how people get there and who gets the most revenue.
Made in France - Raconteur
Infographic outlining French exports and top 10 importers, alternative exports and most popular markets including caviar, cigars and horsemeat
Fracking Infographic
Fracking Infographic by Nicole Liebenberg, via Behance
Le Guide di LIVE – Health and prevention 8-page guide - Manuel Bortoletti
Le Guide di LIVE – Health and prevention 8-page guide on Behance
Infografía / Desperdicio inconsciente de alimentos
Infografía / Desperdicio inconsciente de alimentos on Behance
사회봉사센터 > 커뮤니티 > 공모전 안내
사회봉사센터 > 커뮤니티 > 공모전 안내
Business and technology infographic with corporate people working...
Vector Art : Business and technology infographic
Infographic Design - - CoDesign Magazine | Daily-updated Magazine celebrating creative talent from around the world
Infographic - Infographic Design - Infographic Design : – Picture : – Description… -Read More –