
84 Pins
In the Blink of an Eye
You will never have this day with your children again
occasionally one has to scrape one's self off of the floor, peer about with crazed eyes, and remember this fact
My kids have the mom they were supposed to have. I was chosen by God to be the mom of these munchkins, and I take that calling very seriously!
mama motivation//
The Goal of Parenting - Lindsey Bell
The goal of parenting isnt to create perfect kids. Its to point our kids to the perfect God. Lindsey Bell
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This pin explains that you don't need a paying job to be doing work. Having a marriage and becoming a parent can be a full-time job. This can also lead to family-work conflict which is a situation in which parents are torn between the demands of family and work. Some parents have a full-time job, a marriage, and kids and feel like they are not spending as much time with their children as they need to. This quote will help them remember that the most important things happen inside the home.
13 Things Stay-At-Home Moms Want To Tell You About Themselves
Things Stay At Home Moms want you to know!
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YES. Get on it, someone. #momlife
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