Robinson Family Reunion

Event/Gift bags ideas
12 Pins
Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling
Night bowling- a super fun activity for Summer. My kids had so much fun, and the glowing ball and pins are easy to make, too!
15 Impressive Life-Saving Party Hacks For The Best Time Ever - World inside pictures
•❈• Brillant. These are kiddie pools stacked. I think it is a bucket between the layers. This could go with any party. Great place to keep the drinks cold. Make sure that it is stable.
Insanely Fun Adults' and Kids' Outdoor Party Games
10 Fun Family Reunion Games for all ages to add some excitement to your next gathering!
Life sized Polaroid photo frame for our family reunion. The year and buttons are on chalkboard individual banners. Which means the year can be erased each year. I used a floor foam board and cut out the middle to fit more than two people. At the banquet each group held in hand. However this photo shows it suspended in air using twine on the posts.
Designed By BH -Just for the Health of It
I love this idea! Would be great at a Family reunion or any get together....I should have one for every get together I have over a year....I may finally get all the birthdays down.
Your Source For a Fulfilling Life | Accent the Party
Personalized Family Reunion Favor Fans - fully assembled - choice of color ribbon included
The WHOot
DIY Photo Booth - Would love to do this at our next family reunion!