Loom Knit Patterns

Patterns of all types for loom knitters! Hats, scarves, blankets, gifts, socks. Any all loom knit patterns are fair game. Some of these will have video tutorials, while others will have a written pattern only.
704 Pins
Loom Knit Baby Sweater | GoodKnit Kisses
Make an adorable loom knit baby sweater with this free pattern and video tutorial. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-baby-sweater/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #knitbabysweater #loomknitpattern
Change Loom Knit Patterns to a New Gauge or Yarn | GoodKnit Kisses
Learn to change loom knit patterns to a new loom gauge or yarn weight with ease. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/change-loom-knit-patterns-to-new-gauge-or-yarn/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit loomknitting #loomknitpattern
Easy Garter Stitch Patterns for Loom Knitters | Free Patterns with Video
Learn to loom knit the garter stitch with this easy dishcloth pattern & video tutorial. Makes a great gift! #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #howtoloomknit #knitdishcloth
Loom Knit Sisal Scarf | GoodKnit Kisses
Loom knit this beautiful textured Sisal Scarf with the free pattern from GoodKnit Kisses. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-sisal-scarf/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitpattern #loomknitscarf
Loom Knit Easy Lace Headband Pattern and How To Tutorial Video
How to loom knit an easy lace headband. Free pattern and video tutorial from GoodKnit Kisses #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitpattern #loomknitlace #loomstitches #loomknitvideo #freepattern #tutorialvideo
Basic Family Loom Knit Hats | GoodKnit Kisses
Loom knit hats for the whole family with this Basic Family Hats pattern. Sizes Toddler to Adult Large! https://www.goodknitkisses.com/basic-family-loom-knit-hats/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #knithatpattern #loomknitpattern
Double Knit Mittens | KB Looms - GoodKnit Kisses
Double Knit Mittens on the KB Rotating Double Knit Loom (DKL) http://www.goodknitkisses.com/double-knit-mittens/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #knitmittens #doubleknit
Loom Knit Brioche Accent Cowl - GoodKnit Kisses
Loom knit a gorgeous, chunky, two-color brioche cowl on the Rotating Double Knit Loom http://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-brioche-accent-cowl/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitcowl #doubleknitcowl
Bobble Button Newsboy Free Retro Loom Knitting Pattern & Tutorial Video
Bobble Button Newsboy Hat for the knitting loom. Free pattern! http://www.goodknitkisses.com/bobble-button-newsboy/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting
Cross Stitch Cowl Zippy Loom Knit - GoodKnit Kisses
Go BIG with the Zippy Loom and this Cross Stitch Cowl. http://www.goodknitkisses.com/cross-stitch-cowl-zippy-loom-knit/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #zippyloom
That's Loom Knit?! Chic Retreat Cowl - GoodKnit Kisses
Yes, this IS loom knit! The Chic Retreat Cowl is a lacy, elegant loom knit cowl worked on a small gauge loom. http://www.goodknitkisses.com/thats-loom-knit-chic-retreat-cowl/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomcowl
Stadium Stripes Hat | Loom Knit - GoodKnit Kisses
Loom Knit the Stadium Stripes Hat in your favorite team colors. Be ready for the big game! www.goodknitkisses.com/stadium-stripes-hat #goodknitkisses #loomknitting #loomknit #knithat #teamcolors
Loom Knit Seagrass Slouchy Hat | GoodKnit Kisses
Free loom knit pattern and video tutorial: Seagrass Slouchy Hat https://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-seagrass-slouchy-hat/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknithat howtoloomknit
feather lace stitch for loom knitters with instructions, tutorial video and chart
How to loom knit the Feather Lace Stitch tutorial video and free baby blanket pattern. #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknnitting #loomstitches #howtoloomknit #beginnerloomknitting #loomknitvideos #loomknittutorial
Loom Knit Stitches and Stitch Patterns - GoodKnit Kisses
Loom Knit stitches and Stitch Patterns can be found here. Many can be viewed as a video tutorial made by Kristen Mangus at GoodKnit Kisses