34 Pins
Project: Blue foam hatblocks for Fosshape millinery
"So, the first thing you need to do is get some blue foam, aka polyisocyanurate foam or residential insulation foam. Dow is the major manufacturer of this product in the US, and you can get it in sheets at your building materials store (Home Depot or Lowes). It comes in different thicknesses--the thickest i can find locally is 1" but we had 2" at the symposium. One sheet of the 1" thick foam was about 5' by 20', cost under $20, and i didn't even use half of it to stack up my block."
boarded-up window options
made of 1 1/2" insulation foam and velcroed to the window. or you can use magnets
Create and Transfer Custom Pattern
Use carbon paper to draw out your design and write the epitaph. Lay the carbon paper over the tombstone. You may want to tape down the ends to make sure it stays in place. Use a ball-point pen to trace over carbon paper transferring the pattern onto the Styrofoam.
Tombstone tutorial and lots of headstone name ideas
Building Halloween Tombstones
If you remember, I made a video tutorial of how I paint my tombstones to give it that aged, realistic look. Since then I have gotten a few requests to make a 'prequel' video: How to build Halloween tombstones. Well, TaDa! And, for no extra charge, I stepped in front of the camera. (Found it easier to film this way). So, Here I am Painting Halloween Tombstones vid:
Nat'l Landmark sign for my Hospital for the...
Fake histical marker sign with craft foam lettering
Easter Tomb for Preschoolers. PVC frame and insulation foam rocks cut with a hot knife. Stone actually rolls to cover door and back again.
Canvas on a Budget: Simple and Thrifty DIY Art Projects
use insulation styrofoam for art projects - cheaper and sturdier than the stuff at craft stores