
33 Pins
How to monetize and grow your brand step-by-step!
Are you a Christian Entrepreneur who needs help building your business from scratch? You might be thinking about what to do first. Don't try to start an online business or brand without a business strategy plan. Listen in as I lay out for you the step-by-step business strategy plan for starting, growing, and scaling an online brand and business. I go over the Complete Business Blueprint that takes you from idea to monetization, and beyond!
How to Start a Catering Business from Home With No Money
Do you want to start a food catering company? If YES, here is a 23-step guide on how to start a catering business from home with no money and no experience.
How To Pray For Your Business Using Nehemiah's Prayer
Have you ever sat down and prayed for your business? As Christian entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to learn how to pray for your business because there isn’t much talk about entrepreneurship in the bible...or is there? The bible can be your go-to business book! Believe it or not, there’s a lot of business advice about entrepreneurship in the bible! Learn how to create a business prayer strategy using Nehemiah's prayer. Click here to learn how!
How to Start a Catering Business: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
Clear Step-by-Step Instructions on Starting a Catering Business
10 Catering Tips - Hobby Farms
If starting a home catering business is your dream, consider these tips from a professional caterer.
6 Key Benefits of Organizing Your Home Baking Schedule
This article highlights the importance of a baking schedule for home bakers, providing tips on organizing a baking calendar and adjusting it for best results.