EON References

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basa x inDare|清洁万事屋
inDare 携手「basa」推出全新清洁套装「basa 清洁万事屋」,打造集除螨、吸尘、祛毛、杀菌四效合一的全场景清洁小能手,澎湃动力搭配四大实用刷头,毛发尘螨所到之处,一扫皆空。厘米收纳,解决小户型家电收纳痛点。从车生活到家生活,掀起「ALL in ONE」便携清洁革命。 「basa」口袋吸全新充气头配件,为户外生活专研,轻松解决「清洁」+「充气」两大户外难题。设置三种不同尺寸,小至泳圈,大到橡皮艇,满足多种户外场景的充气需求。 磨砂手感,极简灰白,细微之处也尽显低调高级。小巧机身蕴含飓风级实力,清洁仅需分秒,充气只需一瞬。告别苦行僧式露营体验,留住美好户外瞬间。
A Literal Twist on the Flashlight - Yanko Design
Douglas Cushing’s concept twists the archetypical flashlight on its head quite literally! Designed with a desire to stray away from the predictability of current products, the Heavy Utility Flashlight features a twisting head that turns the light source on and off. As easy as a switch might be, it’s also a cinch to operate, especially in the dark.