Sea Turtles; Underwater Seascapes

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美しいウミガメをとらえたポートレート30点 | コモンポストムービー
sea turtle.
The French Alps
A Sea Turtle Pauses to Look Around Photo and caption by Erik Rye @Smithsonian Magazine
Dance with me
Dance with me sea turtle by Cedric Jacquot
Awesome Collection Of World Best Reptile and Bugs Photography and Photos Of The Day (Part1)
#turtle and #clownfish
Sea Turtle with Beautiful Little Fish | Styles Time
Sea Turtle with Beautiful Little Fish
My first thoughts are "Dude!" and Just keep swimming
Just Chilling by Isabelle Kuehn
Sea Turtle - Just Chilling
earthandanimals: “ Soar through the blue by Autopsea ”
Swimming with Sea Turtles in Hawaii
(Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle) sea life, animals, ocean, ocean life, aquatic animals, marine biology, water, under water life #sealife #marine