Soups & Stews

Light & tasty or rich & hearty ... I Love soups and stews! I keep a strict Kosher home which means no mixing of meat and milk, or benefiting from their derivatives. Whenever a recipe calls for cheese and meat together, I use a Morningstar soy meat replacement product (or leave it out altogether) I also am a big fan of Imagine brand No chicken (OU-Pareve) Vegetarian "chicken" broth to use as a base; this product allows you that rich broth taste with less sodium that you can't get from powdered consommé or bullion. Using these products, I can still use heavy cream, real cheese, sour cream etc. As a side note though, if recipe only milk or 1/2 & 1/2, I will often simply substitute Mocha Mix and used mashed potato flakes as a thickener.
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