an open bible next to other items on a table with lemons, books and pens

Open Your Bible - Bible Study Book

Product Details
<p> We&rsquo;re all longing to hear from God, aching to know who He is and know His heart. The beautiful truth is this&mdash;we can encounter the living God today in the pages of His Word. The Bible is for you and for now. Whether you already open your Bible every day, have never read it before, or struggle to keep up with studying Scripture, <em>Open Your Bible</em>, a 7-session study from the women behind She Reads Truth<em>, </em>will leave you with a greater appreciation for the Word of God, a deeper understanding of its authority, and a stronger desire to truly know the Bible inside and out. </p><p> You will learn practical ways to read, study, and apply Scripture with confidence. Using Scripture itself, powerful storytelling, and real-life examples, <strong>Open Your Bible</strong> will quench a thirst you might not even know you have&mdash;one that can only be satisfied by God&rsquo;s Word. </p><p><strong>Features:</strong></p><ul><li> Leader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group) </li><li> Four days of personal study segments to complete between group sessions </li><li> 7 group sessions, 6 weeks of personal study material </li><li> Optional online videos to accompany each session </li><li> Concordance including practical helps (methods of Bible study, tips for memorizing Scripture, map) </li></ul><p><strong>Benefits:</strong></p><ul><li> Learn to study the Bible. </li><li> Engage in trustworthy content that directs women to Scripture as their foundation for life. </li><li> Encourage spiritual growth in women through individual time in homework and group sessions. </li><li> Understand that God&rsquo;s Word is enough because the One who gives it is infinitely enough. </li><li> Challenge women to dig deeper into the Bible with a group as they learn together. </li><li> Discover that God&rsquo;s Word is approachable, and it should be approached every day. </li></ul>
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