Gardening Tips

16 Pins
How to Grow Zucchini: You've Been Doing It All Wrong.
As it turns out ... you've probably been growing your zucchini all wrong. To grow healthier, more productive, zucchini plants that take up less space you need to stake them and prune them. Just like a tomato! #vegetablegardening #zucchini via @artofdoingstuff
What seedlings to plant in January
What seedlings can you start January? Here is a list of ideas of seeds you can start in the winter time. #vegetablegardening #gardening #backyardgardening
DIY Cucumber Trellis made from a Pallet
DIY Pallet Cucumber Trellis -- Re-purpose a wood pallet into a quick and sturdy DIY cucumber trellis -- no tools required. It gives space for the plants to grow and makes harvesting an easy task #lovelygreens #trellis #growcucumbers #pallet #vegetablegarden
8 Vegetables You Need to Start Indoors
Ready to get your vegetable garden started and grow your own food? While knowing when to start certain seeds is valuable information, so is knowing which seeds are best sown indoors before the weather warms. These 8 vegetables do best when started indoors and transplanted out into the garden later. Learn what they are and tips to get the best harvest.
10 Clever Gardening Hacks Every Gardener Should Know
These gardening hacks are so clever! Check out these clever tips and tricks and try your favorite ideas today!
9 Common Seed Starting Mistakes To Avoid ~ Homestead and Chill
Too much water. Too little light. Bad timing... When new gardeners stray from the best practices of seed starting ("make mistakes") seeds may not sprout, seedlings can be weak or unhealthy, or plants could even die. But don't worry! All of those things are easy to prevent or fix - once you know the most common seed starting mistakes to avoid. #seedstarting #gardening #gardentips #growyourown
How to Grow a Huge Blueberry Harvest
Grow a Huge Blueberry Harvest #blueberries #growblueberries #fruitgarden #gardening
How to use Cinnamon for garden health!
8 ways to use cinnamon in gardening. From rooting hormone to gnat removal, a jar of cinnamon can be your gardens best friend! #homesteading #gardening #organicgarden #gardenhacks
5 Tips for Starting Seeds Successfully Indoors
Starting seeds indoors is a great way to get a lot of plants for your vegetable garden. Here are 5 tips to make seed starting indoors successful- including tips on lights, watering, soil, and more
Tomatoes Splitting: Why Tomatoes Split And How To Stop It
STOP TOMATOES FROM SPLITTING - Once you know what causes tomatoes to split open it’s so easy to prevent this coming tomato growing problem! Don’t miss these tips for growing great tomatoes in your home garden. #gardening #tomatoes #vegetablegarden #homeateadacres
See What Happens When You Use Baking Soda In The Garden
gardeners tools #GardeningGifts
Master Gardener Advice for Your Best Garden Yet! - The Survival Mom
#Gardening is a great way to grow beautiful things and stay healthy by spending time outdoors. Here are some top tips from a master gardener. #vegetablegardening #organic_gardening
🌿How to Build the Best Garden Soil • Simple At Home 🌸🌺
Help your plants thrive by caring for the soil! Healthy plants need healthy soil to grow. Follow me to see my journey as a Homesteader and learn more about homesteading, gardening, cooking, and meal planning! #gardening #organicgardening #gardensoillandscapes