Skincare 🤩

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Mistakes to avoid for clear skin ❣️
#acneskincare #clearskintips #acneremedies #skincareroutine #clearskinjourney #acnetreatment #skincaretips #pimplesbegone #healthyskin #glowup #acnefree #skincarehacks #naturalskincare #selfcareroutine #acnesolutions #skincaregoals #clearcomplexion #blemishfree #dermatologisttips #antiacne #acnescars #flawlessskin #beautyroutine #skincarecommunity #hydratedskin #acneprevention #skincareessentials #facecare #skinhealing #acnefighting Credit: @lifewithmils on Tiktok
#acne #clearskin #acneprone #skintok #hormonalacne #breakout #skin #healacne #trending #fyp
Turmeric & ginger shots to heal acne
#acne #clearskin #acneprone #skintok #hormonalacne #breakout #skin #healacne #trending #fyp
9 Habits to Heal Acne Naturally 💆‍♀️✨
🕒 Start your journey to clearer skin with these 9 simple habits! 🌟: 1️⃣ Eat breakfast within 1 hour Balances blood sugar, reducing hormonal acne. 2️⃣ Add fruit 🍓 Fights inflammation with antioxidants. 3️⃣ Coffee after first meal ☕ Prevents cortisol spikes, lowering breakouts. 4️⃣ Rest & meditate 🧘‍♀️ Reduces stress hormones that trigger acne. 5️⃣ Drink kombucha 🍹 Supports gut health for clearer skin. 6️⃣ Add ginger + Vitamin C 🍋 Boosts anti-inflammatory and collagen effects. 7️⃣ Sleep 7+ hours 😴 Repairs skin and balances hormones. 8️⃣ Stay hydrated 💧 Flushes toxins and reduces irritation. 9️⃣ Protein, fiber & fats 🥗 Stabilizes blood sugar, supporting hormone balance. #AcneHealing #ClearSkin #SkincareRoutine #HealthyLiving
Home | Acne Nutritionist - Stephanie Jayne Nutrition | Personalised Acne Specialist | Online Consult
Registered MSc nutritionist offering personalised advice and nutrition plans. Online consultations available. Enquire today!
Tu as de l'acné hormonale ?
Avec certaines pathologies comme le SOPK, l’endométriose (ou autre) le style de vie compte encore plus Quelques conseils : - Marche 30min par jour minimum - Garde une glycémie stable en évitant le trop sucré et en marchant 10min après chaque repas - Manage ton stress (méditation, yoga, sport) - Aie une alimentation variée et équilibrée N’hésite pas à te rapprocher d’un.e gynécologue ou d’un.e endocrinologue pour faire des tests hormonaux 🥰 #acnéhormonale #acné #estheticienne
8 aliments bons pour la peau
Parce que la santé passe aussi par l'assiette, les experts FLOXIA prennent la parole sur les aliments à privilégier pour avoir une belle peau ! 🔎Notre alimentation joue un rôle important sur l’état de notre peau. Les fruits, les légumes verts, les noix… Tous ces aliments prennent soin des tissus cutanés et complètent l'action des cosmétiques. ❓Si tu as d'autres questions, n'hésite pas à consulter notre article de blog. Tu peux aussi nous les poser directement. Nous serons ravis d'y répondre !
TOP 10 Must have drinks for clear skin
Stay hydrated and glow from the inside out with these 10 essential drinks for clear skin! From antioxidant-rich Green Tea to detoxifying Lemon Water, and anti-inflammatory Turmeric Latte to hydrating Cucumber Juice, these potent potables help combat acne, reduce inflammation, and promote collagen production. Other skin-boosting beverages include Carrot Juice for beta-carotene, Pomegranate Juice for vitamin C, Coconut Water for electrolytes, Cranberry Juice for urinary tract health, Aloe Vera Juice for soothing inflammation, and Ginger Tea for digestive well-being. Incorporating these drinks into your daily routine can help you achieve a radiant, even-toned complexion, reduce the appearance of fine line