Ancient egyptian deities

49 Pins
The Truth About Amen
Seriously, about (amen) the hidden one (-RA = Sun) I believe the hidden one (amen) was a self-appointed false egyptian god before “vowels, & modern religions” were invented; therefo…
Nut - Goddess Of The Night-Time Sky And All Heavenly Bodies
Seth - God Of Chaos, Change, Deserts, Storms And Foreigners
Prayer to Anpu Check out my Facebook Page for more Prayer Art and access to my Videos on Ancient Egyptian history and religion.
Montu, Book of Shadows page, Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Montu, Book of Shadows page, Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Sorry, This page is only available to my customers for free, I don't sell it in the Etsy #wicca #witch #pagan #witchcraft #wiccan #poisonous #witchy #magic #magick #bookofshadows #magia #witches #witchythings #plants #BOS #gothic #witchyvibes #herbal #herbarium #nature #paganismo #occult #paganism #o #esoterismo #goth #witchery #bruxa #spiritual #Deities #Spells #Ancient #Egyptian #Thoth #Amun, #Khepri, #Isis #Anubis #Montu