
179 Pins
Can I Collect Social Security Benefits from My Ex Spouse? Gray Divorce
When it comes to retirement planning, deciding when to start receiving Social Security benefits is crucial. Should you begin collecting when you've reached full retirement age? (The average is 67.) Should you delay benefits in order to receive a higher sum? Is it possible to obtain social security payments from your ex-spouse?
10 Effective Strategies to Make Your Divorce Settlement Last
Discover 10 strategies to make your divorce settlement last. Learn to increase your income, manage savings, invest, and secure your financial future.
Preparation for Divorce Checklist: Essential Steps to Take
Contemplating divorce? Ensure you're prepared for the journey ahead with our comprehensive checklist. From organizing financial documents to considering child custody arrangements, this step-by-step guide will keep you organized and focused. Protect your interests and transition smoothly into the next chapter of your life. Take action now and read our Preparation for Divorce Checklist!
Divorce Advice for Women Who Need to Divide Assets
🤨 Marital interest, equitable distribution, community property... what are these things exactly😩 Navigating a divorce can be difficult with so many concepts to have to unpack and understand. But leaving money on table is usually something most women do not want to do. Learn more about them here, along with 3 key action steps you can take to protect your financial rights and interests during divorce. #divorce
How to Find Hidden Assets in Divorce
How to Find Hidden Assets in Divorce - Financial Discovery
6 Steps to Take Before You Begin Divorce Mediation
Working with a good mediator has its perks. Most notably, you can cut down on attorney fees and costs, move at your own pace, protect your privacy, stay out of court, and work toward an agreement that meets both of your needs. #strategy #solutions #negotiation #goals #divorcenegotiations #decisionmaking #divorcesupport #divorceadvice #divorcerecovery #familylaw #divorcecoach #divorcelawyer #lawyer #mediation #divorcehelp
What does a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst do?
What does a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst do?