Projects to Try

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43K views · 1K reactions | #crafting #springdecor #springiscoming #chippy #craft | Gingerlee Creations | Facebook
Vanessa Vendetti
32K views · 1.1K reactions | Spring Decor DIY | Spring Decor DIY | By We Craft Around | Hey, everybody. It's Beth. Today, I'll be using this arched frame that I got from Dollar Tree. It did have a mirror in it but for recording purposes, I removed it before starting. I opened up and removed the backing. It's attached with screws. I painted both the frame and the backside of that insert with plaster chalk paint by Waverly. Once the frame was dry, I did a coat of matte varnish by Waverly that'll seal it on so it doesn't chip. Next I'm taking these rub on transfers. They're by Timeless Designs. You can get them from Amazon. And I cut a piece of one of them. And then put it on this piece of plank wood that's from Dollar Tree. And just marked where I wanted to cut that down. Took some shears that I got from Timu and started cutting. I cut on both sides and then break it apart. And sand it down. I then am painting this piece of plankwood as well as two wooden dice that are also from Dollar Tree with the same plaster chalk paint. One those are dry I take the transfer and remove the backing from it. Place it down on the piece of plankwood. Making sure it was where I wanted it before I pressed it down and then use the tool that it comes with to rub the transfer onto my surface and then slowly peel the film from the front and fix any spots that are need to be stuck down more. Next I'm taking this scrapbook paper. I believe I got it from Joanne's but I'm not completely sure. I trace that back part of the frame onto it and cut that out. I then add a layer of Mod Podge to the unfinished side of that backing to the frame. Placed out my scrapbook paper. Smooth it out with my hands and then made sure it was completely dry with my heating tool. You can just let it air dry or use the iron method. Once that is completely dry, I add a layer of Mod Podge to the top of the paper and dry that completely and then cut any excess paper that's on there. I place the backing back onto the frame and screw it into place. And then touch up any paint where you can still see part of the frame on the back as well as those screws. I flip it over and I hook glue the plank wood to the scrapbook paper. Just eyeballing it to get it as centered as possible. I then take the two wooden dice and I hook glue those to the back bottom side of the frame. These will act as a stand so it'll stay upright. That is it for this project. Thank you so much for watching.
7.9K views · 106 reactions | Cute craft idea for Easter decoration 🫶🐣 | Cute craft idea for Easter decoration 🫶🐣 | By Yu Hand Made Collection | Facebook
8.6K views · 69 reactions | Amazing Paper roll craft idea 🫶🥰 | By Hobby Time | Facebook
8.3K reactions · 50 comments | Faixinha de bebê 🥰 Fitas @princess_fitas #laçosfacil #diy #laçosfacil #costuracriativa#empreendedorismo #rendaextra #empreendedorismofeminino #artesanatocriativo #art #laçodecabelo #lacoslindos #laçoslindos #vidadelaceira #vidadeartesã #papdelaços #laçofranzido #lacosdebebe #laceiras #laceirasdoinsta #artesã #headband #bows #bigbows #feitoamao #artesanatodeluxo | Mirian De Lima Fragnon
34K views · 931 reactions | Ideia com lata #reciclagemlata #artesanatocomlata #latadecorada @ateliesagitario | Ateliê Sagitário
85K views · 2.5K reactions | Que lindo ficou 🥰 #alzeniralves #artesanatocriativo #ideiascriativas #inspiracao #decoracao #facavocemesmo | Alzenir Alves
469K views · 31K reactions | Dieses Jahr wollte ich so viel wie möglich für unsere Osterdekoration selbst machen. Diesmal habe ich mich an Gips versucht und ihn in Luftballons gegossen. Ich kann euch leider kein genaues Mischverhältnis nennen – wie bei allem mache ich es nach Gefühl. Den angerührten Gips habe ich in die Ballons gefüllt, sie verschlossen und trocknen lassen. Das Ergebnis gefällt mir richtig gut und passt perfekt in unsere natürliche Osterdeko. Genau solche einfachen DIY-Ideen machen für mich den Reiz am Selbermachen aus. Falls ihr eure Osterdeko dieses Jahr selbst gestalten wollt: Probiert es aus und erzählt mir, wie es geklappt hat! #luftraum #luftraumdiy #garten #gartenliebe #wintergarten #garden #diy #outdoorkitchen #easter #osterdeko #ostern #frühling #frühlingsdeko | Daniel & Christine Luft
1.9K views · 836 reactions | “Cenouras de Tecido Fáceis e Encantadoras! DIY Perfeito para Sua Decoração de Páscoa 🎨🐰” Se você quer deixar sua decoração de Páscoa ainda mais charmosa e artesanal, essas cenouras de tecido são perfeitas! Fáceis de fazer, fofas e ideais para enfeitar cestas, mesas ou até presentear. Vamos colocar a mão na massa? #diycrafts #costura #crafts | Lala Tavares
36M views · 5.8M reactions | Make a super easy pet bed from an old blanket🙀🐾Follow for more tips🐈‍⬛ |
Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose !! | Care for our planet through hands-on activities. | Facebook
129K views · 3.3K reactions | Hermosa manualidad #video #destacar #manualidades | Gaby ch