Cryptidcore O-O

Cryptidcore is traditionally associated with cryptozoology, or the study of creatures from urban legends and folklore, and the romanticization of the adventure and mystery surrounding conspiracy theories, ghost-hunting, cryptid-hunting, and the supernatural. Most fans of the aesthetic are a part of, or want to be a part of, a community that gets to solve something beyond themselves with their friends and witness something strange and fantastical.
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Bananasandkale amoying The Shadow People Do you ever see something out of the corner of your eye Like something moving really fast. A lot of people claim that these creatures are called "shadow people". Most sitings have been through the peripheral vision because when you stare at them directly they disappear. Although there have =n cases where people have seen them directly for a good amount of time No one really Knows what this is. Whether it's just your imagination, a ghost, or a dark being. A user from reddit who hunts for paranormal creatures says that you can attract them by having a messy room, because they like chaos. You stare at something fixed, and out of the corner of your eye you may see beings move He claims that shadow people are usually 4-5 ft tall and aren't harmful. But he warns that if you see something 6-7ft tall then that's not a harmless shadow person, it's something demonic Play at your own risk. - iFunny