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Cremes com Retinol 🌙
Dica: Aplique um creme noturno com retinol ao redor dos olhos. ➔ Porquê: O retinol estimula a produção de colágeno e acelera a renovação celular, reduzindo as rugas.
Healthy and radiant skin is always in season. Support and nourish your glow all year long with our best-selling, plant-powered rituals. Swipe for our Seasonal Nourish & Glow Routine. ➡️ Shop now: privai.com
Valóban lehetséges a nagy pórusok zsugorítása?
Ez az egyik leggyakoribb panasz, amit a szépségipari szakemberek hallanak. Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk, mit tehetsz a nagy pórusok ellen
Skin fact! ✨ Skin cells turn over every 28 days. As we age, this rate decreases, therefore, exfoliation becomes a beneficial part of your skincare routine to rejuvenate the skin.