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Style Is In Session 💛
At PATTERN, we love your curls—& we want you to love them, too. Explore our entire line of hair products for curly hair & discover the best in curl care. #RockYourPATTERN #PATTERNPaloSanto
Curls for the girls😍 Such a gorgeous perm rod set by @_whitneythestylist on this beauty💛 Those curls are perfection ✨👌🏾 roller set perm rods blonde bombshell healthy hair goals natural hair journey natural hair ideas
Roller Set Take-Down
Curls for the girls😍 Such a gorgeous perm rod set by @_whitneythestylist on this beauty💛 Those curls are perfection ✨👌🏾 roller set perm rods blonde bombshell healthy hair goals natural hair journey natural hair ideas
Quickly Achieve Your Favorite Hairstyles with RevAir in Your Tool Bag
What's your favorite post #RevAir styling accessory? ⁠ ⁠ @faithchappelle⁠ shares her 'magic roller' style after using Rev to prestretch her gorgeous coils.⁠ ⁠ #myrevair #magicrollers #hairrollers #curlyhair #revairhairdryer⁠ #viralhairaccessories #versatilestyles #hairversatility⁠
30 Gorgeous Ways to Style Two-Strand Twists on Different Lengths
Short 2 Strand Twist with Cornrowed Design