Snail Mail Society

10 Pins
crunch time - 21 of 30
from nancy i'm not a big fan of the flag stamps - but i really like how well it goes on this envelope. very fun design
Tutorial: Easy Tiny Envelopes  - Poppytalk
Tutorial: Easy Tiny Envelopes. What a perfect enclosure for a gift card or gift "coupon" from kids..
17 DIY Stationery Projects That Will Make You Want To Write A Letter
17 DIY Stationery Projects That Will Make You Want To Write A Letter
In the Mail Monday
message on a balloon...great Way to give a fun and playful thank you card :) my daughter is gonna love writing her bday thank you notes now!
Pen Pal Puzzles
Pen Pal Puzzle Letter. This is a great idea! Put the puzzle together...write the message...take it apart...mail in sturdy envelope. Small inexpensive Christmas scene puzzles would make great holiday greetings!
Mail art - 9 new ones — Naomi Loves
Mail Art: 16 Really Cool Ways to Address an Envelope - The Realistic Mama
How fun are these? 16 cool ways to address an envelope!
Mid-century mail-art — Naomi Loves
Inter-galactic space mail