Passive House

39 Pins
Apostando por la arquitectura de tierra: Festival Grains d’Isère
Apostando por la arquitectura de tierra: Festival Grains d’Isère | Arquitectura
Каркасный дом по финской технологии. В чем отличие скандинавских каркасников ⋆ Финский Домик
"Суперэффективный пирог" фирмы Jetta Talo
Energy Box Is an Earthquake-Proof Passive House Built of Cross-Laminated Timber
Energy Box is an earthquake-proof passive house built of cross-laminated timber : TreeHugger
10 мифов о каркасных домах
Устройство стен каркасного дома
Passive house wall buildup
Passive house wall buildup The IG passive house shows on the fair this wall construction. With 50cm wall is u=0.1 achieved. Exactly what I promoted 1991.
Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction : 5.5.2. Raccord avec les seuils
Understanding Passivhaus