Insect Quiz 3

Poison Arrow Leaf Beetle Larva

Part 3 of Insects – Gruesome Insect Facts… What do you know?
Test your knowledge of insect’s most horrible behavior with this quick quiz.

(You can find out more here: Interesting Facts About Insects – Top 10 Gruesome Insect Facts!)


Larva of Poison Arrow Leaf Beetle (Diamphidia vittatipennis) covered with its own faeces. Image credit: berniedup, (CC BY-SA 2.0)

True or False?

1. A cockroach can live for years without its head.



2. Twisted-wing parasite larvae eat their mom!



3. Female praying mantises always eat their mates.



4. Honey bees have hairy eyeballs.



5. In some parts of the world, army ants are used to close wounds.



6. Some caterpillars disguise themselves as bird poop.



7. House flies never poop.



8. Leaf beetle larvae have turd shields.



9. Assassin bugs suck the insides of their prey.



10. Voodoo wasps turn caterpillars into their bodyguards.



Answers to the insect quiz:

1. False. However a cockroach can live for a few weeks without its head.
2. True.
3. False. Female praying mantises often eat their mates, but not always.
4. True.
5. True.
6. True.
7. False. House flies poop constantly.
8. True.
9. True.
10. True.


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