DMP Company Profile

Published Jul 20, 2022 14:21 PM

***, *** ** ***** *******'* ******* alarm ************* *********, *** **** ******-***** since *** ******** **** **** ** years ***. *** **** ** ***'* future, *** *** ** *** ******* adapting ** *** ******** ***** ** cloud?

IPVM Image

**** ***** *****'* ********* ** **** *************** ***** *** ***** ******. ** this ******, ** ******* *** ******* and ******** ***** ***'* ****** *** products, *********:

  • ****** ******* ********* & *********
  • ******* **********
  • ******** *****
  • ***'* ***** ********
  • ** ************* ****** *********
  • ********* **. ****** *******

Company *******

***, ******* ** ****, ************ *********, fire & ****** ******* ******** **** sell ** ***** ******* ** ***** America.

**** ** ***** *** ******* ** Springfield, **, **** ****** ******* ****** the *&* ****** ** *** ***** installation *** ********** *******, ***** ******** Service *** ***** ******* ******, ** 1975. ******'* ***, **** *******, ********* the ******** **** *** ****** ** 1991, ******** *****'* *********** *********, **** & ****** ******* ************.

*** ******* ******** ***** ***** ********* DMP's *******, ********, *** **** *********** and ********** *****:

*** ******* *** '***** *** ********* in ***** *******', ********* ** **********, with *** ******** ***** ** ******* HQ ** ***********, **. *** ********* is ***'* ***** *** ******** ******, which *** *********** ****** *** *******. The ******* ***** *** ********* ** LinkedIn, **** ******* ******* ** ********* in *** **** ** ******:

IPVM Image

Family *********

***** **** ******** ************* **** **** acquired ** *** **** ******, ********** stated *** ******* *** *** **** generation ** ******/***** ********** ** *****, including '****** ******* ** *** ********* management *****'** **** ************ **** ******.

***** ** ******-********** ********** ** ***** that ** **** ********** ** **** the ******* *** *** *********** ******.

USA-based **********

** * ******* ***** ****** '************ ** *.*.*. **** *.*. *** Global **********,' *** ******* ******** ******* *** US-based **********:

IPVM Image

*** ******* **** *** ******** ** finished-good ******** *** ******** ** ***** factory:

*** ******** **** *** ***** ** made ** *** ******* ** ***********, MO. ** **** * ******* ** OEM ************* *** ******* *** ******* and * *** ****. ***** *** those ******** *** **** ***** ***** manufacturers ***** *******.

***'* *********, ******, *** **** ****** are ******** ** *** ******** *******. The ******* ********** ** *** ******** not **** ** *** ********:

**** **** *** *** ********. ** DO **** *** ******** **** *** clearly **** ** ***** ******.

** ******* *****'* ****** ****,***** ******** ********* *** ******, ******** Hillenburg **** *** ******* ********** *** ******** *** ****** **** from *********.

DMP's ***** *********

********** ********* *** *** ** ******** to *** ****** ***** **** **-******* intrusion *** ****** ******* ** ****** cloud ************* (**** ** *******):

** **** * **** ****** *****-***** user ********* **** ******** **** ** App/ ******* **** ****** *** ** the ******* ** * ****** **** a ****** ****. *********, ****** & Video *** ********.

*** ** ***'* ********* *** ****** panels ******* ** *** *******'* ******* Keypad ***.

IPVM Image

**** ****** *** ****** ***** ** ** ** ******** and **********, ******** ******** ****** **** dropped *-**** *********** *** ******* ************ with *****, **** ******, *** **** may ** * ******** *** ********** users.

Product *********

***'* ****** ******** ** *** ********* alarm ******, **** *** **** ****** commercial ******** ***** *** ** ****** panels.

IPVM Image

******* *** ***** ******* ******* ** to *** *****, ** ********** ** areas, *** ********** ****** *******. ***'* panel ***** ******** ******* ***** *-****** and ***** ********* ***** ****** ** the ***** ********** ********. *** ***** supports **** ***** *** ******** *** sensors.

*** ***** ****** ****** ******** *********** *******, ********** **** **** of *** **** ******* ** *** commercial ** ******.

********** ***** *** ******* **** ********** of ***'* ******** ** ** *** commercial ***** **. ***********:

**’* **** ** ***** ********* ****, because *** ******** *** ********** ** the ****** ** ** ****** ********** or *********** ***** ** **** ****, but ** ***** **** ** *** about **% **********.

X1 ***** ******

** ****, *** ******* ******** ****** ****** ********, **.

IPVM Image

*** ** ******** ******* ** **** readers *** *** ** *** ******* (via ** ******** ******), ********* ** to *.** ** ***** ******* ** 750 ** ** *** ** ****. Each **** ******** *** ******* *** two **** *******.

*** *********** *** ******* ** *** sizes: * ****** **** ***** (*** X1) ** *******-********* *****-***** ********** (*** X1-8).

********** ********* *** *** ******* ***** the ****** **. ********* **********, ***** the *********** ******* ***'* ********* ********* business *** *** *** ***** **** cloud ******:

**** *** ****** ** *** **** ten ***** ** **, ****** ******* has ****** * ********, *** *** better ******* **** ******* *** *** to ****** *** **** **, *** the ****** ******* ******** ** * very **** ********.

** ****, **** *** **** ** access ******* ****** ** * ********** install, **** ******** ** **** ******** to ***** *** ******. ** **** way, ****** ******* ***** ** *** best ** **** ****** **** ******** positioned **** ** ********** ********* ******. The *** **** ******** ** **** a **** **** ******** *** *** alarm ********* **** **** ** ****** it **** ***.

Codes **********

*** ********* **** ***** ******* *** code ************ *** ********** ***, *** typically ***** ** ******* **************. *** most ****** ***** *** ** *** products *******:

  • ****/*** ***** ***** ********* ********
  • ** ********** ******** *******
  • ** ********** **** ******* ** ***** and ***** ****** ******* ******
  • ** ** **** **** ******** ******* on ***** *** *****
  • ** **** **** *** ***** ******* on *****
  • ** ********* **** ******** ******* ** XR550N
  • **** ********* ****** *********
  • *** **** **** (**** ***) ** XR150 *** *****
  • ********** ***** **** ******* (****) ********
  • *** (******) *******

** ********, *** *** ** ********* by **** ******* ***** ********** ******** in * ****** ** *******, ********* Contact ** *** *** *** ******. The ******* *** ****** ********* ** central ******* *********, *** *** **** there *** ** ******** **** ** monitoring ** ***** *******.

Growth *****

**** ********* *** ** ****** **** purchase ************ *** ********* **** ***** companies. ***** ********** **** *** ** looking ** ******, ** **** ********* this ********:

** *** ****** ******* *** *** dealers. ********* ** *** ******* *** the ******* ** **** ******* ** any ***** **** ** ****. ** are ****** ********** ***** *** ** bring ** *** ****** **** *** dealer **** ******** ******* ******* ********* and ***** ** ** ***** ***** employees. ********* ** *** ******* *** $10K ** ******* *********. *******, ** routinely ******** *** ***** ** ******* who *** ******* **** ****.

** *** ******* *** ********* **** build ***** ******** ** *** *** install ***** ****** ***** ***, ** opposed ** ****** *********** *** ***** do * *** ******* * *****. We **** *** *** ******* ** bring ** ******* *** *** ********** to * *** ** * *******, we **** **** ***** ********** ***’* work *** **** **** ** **** for *** **** ****.

IPVM *** ******** *** *****

Comments (18)
Kevin Wilhelm
Jul 20, 2022

********* **** *****'* **** ** ** a ******* *** ** ******** ***** DMP ** *** **** **** ***!

*'* ** ****** ** * ****** but **** * *** **** **** always ******** *** ******* ******* ** was ** *********** *******, ***** *******, or **** * ***** ******** * wanted ** *** ** ****.

Anthony Jones
Jul 21, 2022

*** **** **** ******** *** **** guys. :)

Kenneth Kocher
Jul 21, 2022
Force Security Solutions

** **** **** ** ********** *** dealer *** **** * ****** *** I *** **** *** **** ***** is ** ****** *** ******* ** the ******** ************* ******** **** ***. The *****, ********* *** ********* **** are *** *****. **** ******* ** extremely ********** *** *** ******** *** rock *****. ***** ************’* ***** ***** a *** ** ******** *** *** runs ***** ******** *** **** ***********, how **** ***** ***** *******. * do ***** **** **** **** ** expand ***** ***** ******** *** *********** and ******** ** ***** ***** *** at **** **** *** ******* ******** to ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 21, 2022

*** ** ********* ** ********** **** do.

***** ** *** ***** ******* ********, but **** **** ********** **** **** video ********* *** ****** ************* ***** is *** **** ******** ** *** long *** **** ********** ***** *** products.

**** *** * ******* ** *** our ******* **** ******* ** *** over ** *****. **** ****** ********* in *** ******* *** ***** ******** because **** ****, *** **** *** best ******** ** *** ********.

Corbin Hambrick
Jul 22, 2022

* ******** ******* **** **** ***** ago *** ** *** **** **** required * ******* ***** ** ****** commitment * *****. ** ******'* **** it *** ***** ** *** **** always ***** ***** ****** ***** **** in *** ********. ***** ***** ********** and *********, * ********* **** ** could **** ******* ** **** ** our ******.

Undisclosed End User #2
Jul 26, 2022

"********* ** *** ******* *** $*** in ******* *********. *******, ** ********* consider *** ***** ** ******* *** are ******* **** ****."

**** ** * **** *** ***. As ** *** **** * **** approached ***** ********* ******* ***** ******** DMP *******. * ****** ** ***** and ** **** ************ *** *** in *** ******* ** ********** *** of *** ***** ** *** ***** panels ******* **** *** ********* **** Amag. *** *** ******** *** ***** vendors **** **** ***** ******* ****** they ***** **** ***** ********* ***** and **** **** ***.

Mark Hillenburg
Jul 27, 2022

Undisclosed *** **** #*

*’* ***** **** *** **** *** a ******** **********… ******* ********* *** not *** **** ***** **** ** are ******* ***. ******* ******* **** situation ** *** ******** ******* **** you **** ******* *******, * ***’* speak ** **** ***** *********, ***** to *** **** ** **** ******** on *** ******* **** ********* *** around * *** ** ** ****** applications *** ********.

** *** ***** **** ** ***** out ** ** ************ ** *** VP ** *****, *** ******* ******* are *****:

**** **********, ** ** ********************@***.***

**** *******, ** ** *************@***.***

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Oct 25, 2022

** *** *** **** ********** **** DMP. ** ****** ** ********** ******* and ****** *******. ** **** ******* to ******* **** *** ** **** our ***** ******** **** * ****** vendor **** ** **** ******* *** something *** ******* ******* **** ** get *****.

* *** **** ******* **** *** rep *** *** ** ******* ******** 10K ** ***** ***** ** *** things ******. ****, * ****'* **** care ** ** *** **** ** a ******** ***** ** **** ** the ******. *** **** ***** ** a ******** ********** *** *** * said ***** **** ** ******* **** we ****, * ******* *** ** to **** ****!

** ** **** *** * **** and * ****** *** *** *** we **** ******** **** *** ***** vendors **** **** ** * ******. Still *** ****** ****. **** **** out **** ***** ** * *** make **** ******* **** **** ** I *** *** **** **** ** boss ** *** * *****. ** was ****** ********. ** **** ****** out **** ****** *****.

***** ******* *** *** ***.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Oct 25, 2022

** *** *** **** ********* * years *** **** *** *** ******** guy ** *****, ** ****** ** need ** ******** ** ***** *** worth ** ******* ****** **** **** would ******** ******** ** ** ** a ******. ** **** ***** ** go ******* *** ** **** *** the ******** ****** ***** **** ** wrote ** ****.

****, * *** *** *** *** lost *** ** ***'* ** ***** in ******* ********* ** *** **** 8 ***** *** ** *** ******. I ***'* ***** ** ****** ***** even ******** ******** ** *** ** maybe ** **** **** **** ***. Just ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 26, 2022

***'* ****** ******* ** ** ****** that ******* ************* **** * ******* standard, *** ********* ********* *** ******* are **** ** ******* ******* ** required.

*** ** ****** ** *** ***** based ** *** ******* ** *** product, ***********, *** *** **** ** operations **** * *, **, *** 15 **** ******.

**** ***** ******** ******** *** **** 100% ** *** *** ** * bonus.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Oct 26, 2022

*** *** ** *********** ****** *******. The ***** ************ *** ***** ** force ********* **** ******* **** ***** product ****. **** **** * **** formal *** ******** **-******** ******* **** takes * **** ****; ****** **** a ******* ******* ****** ** ******* to ****. * *** **** ***'* perspective ** *** **** ** **** for ****; ****** **** *** ******* are ********* ** ******* ***** *******. What ** ***** ******* ** *** fact **** * *** ****** *** have ******* **** ******** ** ** panels, *** ****** ******* ******, *** will *** ** **** ** *** customer **** * ********* ********. *** these ********* *** ********** *** ***, and *** **** **** *** ******* from *** ** *** ***** ***** and *** ****.

** *** ***** ****** ******* * lower "**********" **** **** ****** ******* requirements, ***** ***** ******'* ** ***** of ** ****** ** *** ********.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 26, 2022

** **** **** *** *** **** years. ** *** ***** ***’ ********** for *******, ***********, *** **** **** serviceability *** **** ***. ** *** stood ****** ***** ******* ** ************ even **** ** ** *** ********* or **** ********* ** ** **. It *** ****** ********* *** *********** supported ***’ ****** ******** **** **** required ** ****** *** *******. *** control ******** ******** ** ******* ****** components, ********** *** ****** ** ‘********’ required ** ** ***** ** ******** the ******** **********. *********** **** ***** that **** * *,**, ** **** 20 **** ******** ** *** *** customer *** * **** ***** ******** total **** ** ******* **** ***** their *******.

** *** *** * *********** **** multiple ********* **** ***** **** ****** lifetime *** ** ******** *************, *** cost ** ********* ********* *******. *** companies **** ***’* ** ****’* ** locations *** ******* *** ***********.

**** ** *** ***** ***** ** the ** *** **** ********** *** world **** ‘************’ ** ***’* ******* for * ****** ** *******, *** the ***** **** ** *** **** customized ** ******* ***** *****, *** does *** ******* ************ ** *** control ******** **** ***** ****. ** has *** ******* ** ***** *** of *** *** ************ ** ****** Fire ****** **** ***** *******.

** ** **** ** ******** *** has ** ******* ** ************ **** allows ** ** ** ******* *** a ******* ** ****** *********. *** communication *** ******** ****** ********* ********** that ****** ********* ****** ****** ******* provides ***’ ********* ** **** **** problems *** ** ******** *** ******* serviced ****** * ******* ******. *** only ** *** ****** ********, *** the ********* *** ******** ** *** same ****. *** ****** ** *********** that ** ******** *** ******** ***** their ****** ********* ** **********. **** includes *** ** *** ******* ** where, ****, *** ** **** *******/***** are *****/********, ***** ********/****** ********* ****** for ******, *** ********* ****** ****** issues ******* ** ** ********* **** could ****** *********. *** **** ** a ********* *** ** ******* *********, which **** ****** ******** ********** ********* addition/deletion ** ***** ** *** ** their ******* *********.

** ****** ***** *** ***** ********* that *** ** ***** ** * customer, *** ****** *** ** *** often *** ****** ********* ** *********. It ** * **** *******, *** not ***** ******* ** ***** *** ever ********, *** *** *** ******** OUR ******* *** ******* ** **** a ****** ******* **** *** ** used ** **** **% ** ***** Security, ****** *******, *** ** **** system ** *******. ***’ ******* ********** and ****** ******* *** ******** *** customers * ******** ****** **** ** operation **** ** **** **** **% the **** **** ** ***** ** other *******. ***** ** ** ********* to ****** *********** ** ****** ****** and ******** ***** ******** ** ****** we ****** ***********. **** ** **** years ***** ********* ****** * ******* or ******* **** ** **********, *** when ******** ******* ** *******, *** generally ****.

*** ****** ** *********** ** *** for **** ***** ** *** ***** us ***’* ** ********* ** ******* in ********** *** ******** ******* ******** costs. ***’* ** **** ****** ******** program ***** ** ****** **** ********, and ***** ** **********, ******* ********* us ** **** **** *************/******* *** training ** ***** ** **** *** team ** ** ****.

*** ******* ******** *** ****. ***** DMP **** ******** ******* ** ******* that *********** ** ***** ***** *** technical ******** *******, ***** ********* ******* team ** **** ** ***** ** supporting ****** ******* ** ******** * technician *** *** **** **** ** the *** *** * ****** **** the *****.

***** ‘*****’ ***** **** ** ****** be **** ** **** ******** ******* their ********* ****, ** **** *** mean **** ** ** **** *** their *******. *** ************ *** ******* teams ********** **** *********. **** ******* a ******* **** ** **** **** a ****** ** *****, ** ** important ** ** ****** **** ****** solution ******** ** ***** *** *** application, ********* ********, *********, **********, *** serviceable. ** *** *** ******** **** not *** *** ******* **** ******, and *** ******* ***** **** * client.

****** ********* **** **** **** ********* Security *** ****** ******** *** **** 50 ***** ********** **** ********* *** the ********** ** ********** *** ******* service ***** ** ***** ****** ****. Most ******* **** *** **** ***.

************* **** ********* ****** ******** ******* the ********* ** *** *******, ****** continuity ** ********, ****** ******** ******* application, ************, *** *********, ***** ******** a **** ********** ** ******** ********* and ********** ** *** *** ****. Companies ****** ********* ** ***** ****** products **** *********, *** ********* ****** by ******* ******* **** *** **** product *** ***** **** ** ** long ** ** ********* ** ** the ***. ** *** **** ** DMP ***** ******* *** ****** *** company *** *** ********* ****. *** users ****** ******** ** ** ****** the *******. *********** ***** *** **** dealers ********** *** ******* **** *** ‘qualified *** *******’ ** ******* *** support *** *******.

*** *** *** **** ******* * list ** *** **** *** **********.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Oct 26, 2022

***** ‘*****’ ***** **** ** ****** be **** ** **** ******** ******* their ********* ****, ** **** *** mean **** ** ** **** *** their *******. *** ************ *** ******* teams ********** **** *********. **** ******* a ******* **** ** **** **** a ****** ** *****, ** ** important ** ** ****** **** ****** solution ******** ** ***** *** *** application, ********* ********, *********, **********, *** serviceable. ** *** *** ******** **** not *** *** ******* **** ******, and *** ******* ***** **** * client.

*** **** ** **** *** *** end ****? ***'* ******* ******* ***** you **** ** ** ******* ** DMP ** ** **********. **** ** great *** *** ******* *** ******, and ***** ******** *********** ****** ** rewarded **** ****** ******* *** ******** on *** *******; ******* **** ***** and *************. *******, *** ******* ******* an *** **** *** **** ** revisit ***** ******** ********; **** **** do ** *** ***'* ******* ** play **** ** ** ****** **** all ** **** ************** **** ** ripped *** *** ******** **** ********* new *** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 26, 2022

** ** ********* ******** **** * company *** ** *** ***, '*** out * ****** *** ******* ** with *******'. *******, ***** ********** **** 10,000 ******* **** *** **** * decades, ** ***** ***** ** *** hand *** **** ***** *** *** ripped *** *** ******** **** ******* brand.

** ***** ***** ** *** * corporation '***************' ***********, ** ******** ******** by *** ******** ** ********** ** Security. ********* ******* *** ****** ***** over *** ******.

** *******, *** ** ****** *** good * *** ** **, ** how **** ** ***, ** **** not ****** ****** ********.

** ****** * *** ******** ********, and ******** * ** **** ** must ****** ************, * **** ***** seen * ***** ******** ******* *** a ****** ** ****** * ********* good ******* ****** *** ******* ** with ******* ******* ** **** ***** do ******** **** ******* ******.

**** ** ****** *** ***** ****** was * *******-**-***, ** *** ************ the ******** ***** ** **** *** to ** **.

********* ***'* ** ****'* ** ******* systems ***** ** **** *********, *** what ** **** **** ****** ** that **** ********** *** ***'* **** it *** **** ********* ** ****** vendors.

** ***** ** ***** ** *** a *** ****** ** **** **** business **** ** ******** **** **** dealer, *** ** *** **** **** in ******** *** * ****** ** years, **** ****'* ** *********, ******* sales *** ********* ******* *****, *** a ******** **********, *** *** ********* 1000's ** *** *** ***** ** DMP, * ***** ** **** ********* if **** ***** *** **** **** you. **** *** ** *** ******* all *** ****, *** **********, **** carefully ***, ******, *** *** ****** selective. **** **** **** ** *** dealers **** **** ****** **** **** team *******, *** **** ***** ******* to **** **** *******'* ******** *********.

** ************ ******** ** ******** *** users, ** ********* ******* **** **** not ********* *********. ** *** ****** their **********, ***** ** ***'* ****, after ** ***** ** '**** ** the ***' ******* *************, ** *******.

***'* **** ** ******. ** *** can ******* ** ** ***** *** effort. ** ***, **** **** * company **** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Oct 26, 2022

** ***** ** ***** ** *** a *** ****** ** **** **** business **** ** ******** **** **** dealer,but ** *** **** **** ** ******** *** * ****** ** *****, **** ****'* ** *********, ******* ***** *** ********* ******* *****, *** * ******** **********, *** *** ********* ****'* ** *** *** ***** ** ***, * ***** ** **** ********* ** **** ***** *** **** **** ***.

*** **** ************ *** **** **** we ***** *** ** ***** ******* DMP ******* *** *** *** ***** said **.

*** **** *** ********. **** ** experience, * *** ** *** ******* are "***** *******" **** (**** ** basically **** *** *** *** ******* for ** * *******). ****** ******* want ********** ******* *** *** ******* DMP ******* *** *** **** ***** heads **** ** ***** ** ********** video *** ******. ** *** *** would **** ***** ** ********* *** into *** ***/****** ******* ****** *** now *** **** ****** ** ** replace ** **** ***** ***** ******* more **** *** *****.

Corbin Hambrick
Oct 27, 2022


** *** *** ** *** ******* I ******* ** * ***** **** they're *** ******* *** ***********...**** ***** dealers. ...***** ** *** ******* * had ** ** **** ** *** while ** ****'* ** ***** ** even ******* **** **** *** **** 12 *****, ** **** *** **** to *** ******* ** ** **** the ******* *** **** *** ******* tech ******* *** ****** *****.

...*** **** ** ****, ***** *** to ******.

***** **** ** **** * ***** partner ****** **** ***** ******** ** integrate **** *** ********'* ***** *** that ** *** ** **** ******** for **** ******.

Steve Kaufer
Nov 10, 2022

*** ** ******* ****** ** ******* the **** ******, *********** ******** *** flexible ******** ****. ******* ** ***** dealers ** ***********, ********* *****-***** ******** delivered **-**** *** ******* * **** catalog ** **-****** *******. *** ***’* let *** **** *****, ******** **** products ******* **** *** ** ***** they *** * ****** ********-******* *******; the *** ** **** ********* *****. And *** ******* ****** *** *** software ***** ******* ** ******* ****-********* access ******* *** ****** ***** *** at *** **** ****.

Michael Smith
Nov 10, 2022

********** ***% ****!