
270 Pins
How to EMP Proof Your Car - Proven Strategies To Safeguard Your Vehicle
Considering the likelihood of some kind of CME or EMP event or attack, learning how to emp proof your car will put you one step ahead when SHTF.
How To Turn A Car Battery Into A Power Bank
A car battery can do more than start a car. Here's how to combine several into a survival power bank that operates power tools and devices.
16 Things to Stock Up on Before a Depression - Survival Sullivan
There's no doubt in anyone's mind that an economic depression is just around the corner. Here's what to stockpile plenty of before it hits. #survival #stockpile
12 Things to Own When the Dollar Collapses
If the US dollar collapses, the economy will be spun into turmoil. Having the right goods and assets on hand can keep you safe and secure. Find out more here. #dollarcollapse #economiccollapse
34 Supplies for Fixing Things After SHTF
If something breaks after the SHTF, you won't be able to run to the store for a replacement. Stock up on these supplies for fixing things.
140+ Emergency Supplies for the Prepared — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead
140+ Emergency Supplies Every Home Should Have Just in Case (Who Wants to Freeze, Starve, or Die, Right?) — Home Healing Harvest Homestead