sweet 16 gifts

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Sweet 16 gift idea!! Pick 16 words to describe the person and find items to match. Ended up being so much fun! :)
Sweet 16--a really sweet birthday indeed!!
16 Rocks! Somer this is better than my rock candy idea! A lot easier to find pop rocks probably!
Birthday present for new girl drivers. A basket filled with the essentials. Band aids, cleaning products, lip gloss, tissues, car scents, and a trash can. Awesome gift.
Sweet 16 - New Driver Survival Kit
Sweet 16 Gift - New Driver Kit. My brother is getting SOOO close to being on the road! Scary!
Happy 17th Birthday, New Driver! - G is for Gift
a cute kit to keep in the glove box. best part is that it barely takes any space
Gum - To keep things fresh. Candy - In case your date gets hungry. Car fresheners - To keep the car smelling good to impress the girls (or boys if it's for a girl). Armor All - To keep things clean (the car and the date :-) ). 20 Questions - If you get bored, to keep things fun!
Birthday Gift Ideas ... Another version of Sweet 16 Survival Guide (New Driver Kit)
Birthday Gift Ideas ... Another version of Sweet 16 Survival Guide (New Driver Kit)
Sweet 16 Birthday Board Poster Custom for Any Age Gender, Color Change Avail & FREE 8x10 W Purchase Chalkboard Style Birthday Board Sixteen - Etsy
Sweet 16 Birthday Board Poster Custom Sweet sixteen birthday party ideas DIY and print from home for a teens birthday! ANY board can be made into a sweet 16 board, pick your style!