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Q: What Can I Do to Keep My Teen from Giving Up When Things Get Tough?
Getting a D on a math test can be debilitating for a teenager with ADHD. One small setback may lead to an "I give up" attitude. How do you get your teenager to endure setbacks and solve problems? Here, learn about resilience strategies.
"Take the First Sloppy Step"
Do you find yourself always putting tasks off until the last minute? Stop letting procrastination cause unnecessary stress, and learn why avoiding negative talk, taking things one step at a time, and simply beginning can help.
The Monsters Lurking Inside: How I Avoid Getting Consumed by My ADHD Mind
“My ‘puppy’ ideas grow uncontrollably sometimes. But like with real puppies, control is not about trying to prevent them from growing. Rather, it’s about teaching them when they’re small not to jump on you, so they don’t knock you down once they’re big.”
“9 Calming Strategies for a Racing, Restless Mind.”
Although it can be exhausting to live in my head, I now feel so much more in control after learning and implementing techniques that help calm my racing mind. Here’s the formula I’m constantly tweaking, ensuring that the daily dance with my thoughts is a mostly positive one.”
“My ADHD Unleashed a Workaholic. ‘Quiet Quitting’ Is Saving Me.”
“My workplace burnout and everything leading up to it made sense after I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was able to see patterns of intensity, compulsion, and hyperfocus in my schooling and throughout my professional career. I even learned that studies have linked workaholism and ADHD.”
Building Resilience Begins Here: 6 Motivation Strategies for ADHD Families
“If there’s an ocean of inadequacy, there must be islands of competence.” Celebrate your child’s strengths and foster a nurturing environment by following this expert advice on building resilience in children with ADHD.
10 Rules for Dealing with the Explosive Child
When faced with defiant or violent behavior, most parents try Plan A, where they impose their will on an oppositional child. The problem? Plan A doesn't work. Parents who move to Plan B — a collaborative and proactive parenting style — have a much better chance of solving their children’s behavior problems.
The ADHD Guide to Naturally Flowing, ‘Normal’ Conversations
There's a general assumption that people know the unspoken, unwritten, often mysterious rules of social engagement. These assumptions do not account for the experience of living with neurodiversity. Either way, it’s never too late to learn how to have a conversation.
Nudge, Don’t Nag: 9 Ways to Motivate Your Child to Do Well
Nine ways to get your child with ADHD to the starting line — and to finally cross over the finish line of assignments, goals, and day-to-day tasks.
The Roots of ADHD Motivation Problems — and How to Get Students Engaged in Learning
Motivation in children with ADHD is tied to how the brain perceives challenges, among other factors. When we create learning environments and activities that help students feel safe and confident, we reduce their chances of experiencing failure and increase their chance at success — factors that increase motivation and make learning more fun.
ADHD Is Your Wave. Learn How to Ride It.
Peter Shankman is a Fortune 500 marketing consultant, best-selling author, and in-demand public speaker who credits his ADHD with supplying the energy and curiosity that’s made him a success. Here is how he learned to harness the mighty power of his ADHD and ride that energy to great things.
What Is ADHD? Symptoms, Subtypes & Treatments
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder that impacts the parts of the brain that help us plan, focus on, and execute tasks. ADHD symptoms vary by sub-type — inattentive, hyperactive, or combined — and are often more difficult to diagnose in girls and adults. Here, we review the symptoms, causes, types, and tests associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
“Why Don’t You Listen?” How to Stop Nagging and Start Communicating
Your child may be ignoring your requests for very good reasons. Instead of insisting on compliance and obedience, find out the source of their resistance by engaging in teachable moments.