Quotes worth Quoting

Okay what Pinterest site would not be complete without a board dedicated to "Inspirational" pins???? Our Goal is after all, Good Sportsmanship and we believe in the Spirit and Intent fair and honest play.
24 Pins
"It's awesome having a good race family. We all stick together when times get tough. Another reason why I like KAM Kartway so much." ~Matt Richeson - Quote From Recite.com #RECITE #QUOTE
KAM Kartway
Victory with honor and integrity is the KAM Driver Characteristic!
KAM Kartway
Think like a KAM Kart Driver......
Livestrong.com - Simple Healthy Living
great #racing quote
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Happiness and Racing burlap print from Poverty Barn and 4 Left Turns. $15 plus shipping. #HandmadeInAmerica
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of kindness, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.