Writing Prompts (Horror)

Miscellaneous writing prompts to help me write thrillers, dark romances and gory horror stories.
21 Pins
The things that hid.
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[WP] A little girl is terrified of the monster under her bed, but what she doesn't know is that the monster under her bed protects her from the true monsters - her parents. You are that monster.
(Open rp) I stared at my father, my eyes wide with fear. I heard a soft growl, and once I realized it wasn't him, my eyes slowly rested on a soft glow from underneath my bed. My father, however, pulled back out of fear. He ran out and slammed the door behind him, locking it in the process. I shook my head and didn't turn around when I heard a soft, yet young voice,"There's no reason for you to be afraid of me." I didn't reply.
His Name was Noah - Chapter 9
Writing Prompt Idea I just thought of if you make the story really long then the very last words would be the confession
X. It’s what’s happening
The man spoke of the girl softly, his eyes dark as he refused to meet the younger gentleman sitting across from him. Intrigued, the other leaned forward, eyes glistening as he motioned for the elder to continue on,"Just what makes her so dangerous?" The older man lifted his gaze, jolting suddenly against the chains. The crazed look in his eyes burned strongly as he leaned forward, a cruel smirk spreading against his lips. "What makes her so dangerous you ask...?" ((Credit: @INSANITYISTAKEN...