armchair quantum physics

laypeeps, join me trying to understand even just a wee bit about this meta mysterious realm
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Why exactly is the quantum world so weird?
Why exactly is the quantum world so weird?
Quantum Physics for Beginners Simplified: Understand the Subatomic World, Apply Basic Concepts to Everyday Life, and Expand Your Consciousness & Worldview Without a Science Background
Quantum Physics for Beginners Simplified: Understand the Subatomic World, Apply Basic Concepts to Everyday Life, and Expand Your Consciousness & Worldview Without a Science Background
Weird New Quantum Experiment Sounds Suspiciously Like Time Travel
Weird New Quantum Experiment Sounds Suspiciously Like Time Travel
Quantum Theory: The Einstein/Bohr Debate of 1927 | AMNH
Quantum Theory: The Einstein/Bohr Debate of 1927 | AMNH
Untangling Quantum Entanglement — Caltech Magazine
Untangling Quantum Entanglement — Caltech Magazine
How Do Scientists Explain Quantum Entanglement?
Caltech scientists explain the strange phenomenon of quantum entanglement in everyday language.
Physicists provide support for retrocausal quantum theory, in which the future influences the past
(—Although there are many counterintuitive ideas in quantum theory, the idea that influences can travel backwards in time (from the future to the past) is generally not one of them. However, recently some physicists have been looking into this idea, called "retrocausality," because it can potentially resolve some long-standing puzzles in quantum physics. In particular, if retrocausality is allowed, then the famous Bell tests can be interpreted as evidence for retrocausality and not ...
Quantum Entanglement Isn't All That Spooky After All - Scientific American