
47 Pins
Mural Colegio Compasión Escolapios inspirado en los trabajos de Mademoiselle Maurice, realizado a partir de figuras de papiroflexia. Cada niño del colegio, a partir de 3º de Primaria hasta 4º ESO ha realizado una figura. La palabra que hemos formado nos recuerda la importancia de respirar aire limpio. Proyecto Educativo Life Respira.
Creating the Perfect Superhero Classroom
Creating the Perfect Superhero Classroom. A new popular classroom theme is superheroes! It’s such a fun and adorable theme, plus gives students a powerful idea of becoming strong and brave, just like the superheroes surrounding them. Check out my favorite superhero themed classroom decor ideas, as well as superhero themed organizational tools, and classroom bundles.
📸 Pictures “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with " 🦸🔥 . . . . Concept & Baloon Styling: Kulsoom Faizan Motiwala Cutouts/Supplies: Blissful Dreams Creation Graphic Design: Creative Fusion Studios Whatsapp: 0311-2985551 "Life's too Short to have Boring Parties" #superheroparty #superheroesparty #festasuperhero #superheroestheme #marvelparty #avengersparty #comicsparty #superheroes #Bridalshower #babyshower #wedding #celebration #party #Birthday #ba...
As Christians we are all included in Christ's death on the cross. Meaning we no longer have any issue in paying the price for our sin. Scotty, our programming genius wrote this program that inputs photos of people in the church to make the image of Jesu