We invite you to take home the Elijah Cup for a week and pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate, or religious life. Each Sunday, families, couples, or individuals are called up to receive the chalice used by the celebrant at Mass. The cup is then taken home and placed in a prominent area and is a reminder to pray daily for vocations.
To sign up, please follow the instructions below.
- Choose a weekend and an available slot. In the form that pops up, enter your name and which Mass you will attend that weekend. You will receive a confirmation email and a reminder 2 days before the Mass you choose.
- If you are the second person to sign up on a given weekend, if possible, please choose a different Mass time than what was chosen by the other person for that weekend.
- IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR ENTRY, please use the “Removal link” in your confirmation email. You can’t edit your entry. Just remove it and enter it again with the new information if needed.
- Please return the Elijah Cup to the Sacristy no later than 3:00 pm on the Saturday at the end of your week. Go through the sacristy door to the right of the altar and leave the box on the counter. Thank you!