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KEMPA Journalism

KEMPA Journalism

KEMPA Journalism

Laura Bengs

Laura Bengs, Board Member



[email protected]

Ambassador Committee

Pewaukee High School, Pewaukee, WI

Number of years advising: 4

Brief Description of your program: The Hook currently produces an online publication, a print student news magazine (two times per year), and a student podcast. This is all produced by the Advanced Media Writing and Communications course–a course in our Insight program which pairs students with professional mentors and focuses on exposing them to “real world” experiences to engage in their learning. I also teach several sections of Writing for the Media, our prerequisite introductory class.

Best Advice or Hardest Lesson Learned: Students are capable of so much more than we sometimes think they are! In the past, I’ve taken on a lot of work myself, thinking that I was helping students, but the truth I’ve learned is that they WANT to do the work and they’re up for the challenge. I’m now much more focused on giving them the tools and know-how to do things on their own, then letting them roll with it. They are so much more invested in the product and take away so much more from the experience as a result.








All content by Laura Bengs