Featured Firms with KPKB

CAC Chairperson

Sh Piyush Anand, IPS
DG NDRF, CAC Chairperson KPKB

The Kendriya Police Kalyan Bhandar (KPKB) system was launched as a welfare measure by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the year 2006. Serving and retired personnel of CAPFs, CPOs and State Police Forces and their family members across India are the beneficiaries of KPKB. It has evolved into a successful organization with 119 Master Bhandars as warehouses and more than 1800 Subsidiary Bhandars as retail outlets.
KPKP provides a wide range and variety of consumer goods to its 35 lakh beneficiaries at the rates cheaper than the market. The Central Purchase Committee of KPKB successfully negotiates with the firms to get maximum discounts along with consumer promotional offers on products in order to save hard earned money of KPKB beneficiaries who are serving the nation in challenging conditions.

As Chairman of the Central Administrative Committee (CAC), it gives me immense pleasure and pride that KPKB is working in a very efficient and effective manner with minimum resources.

I take this opportunity to assure you that all the Officers & Men associated with KPKB in different capacity will make all out efforts to ensure that good quality products at competitive prices are available in KPKB Subsidiary Bhandar’s. We are actively pursuing a proposal of KPKB modernization. In this process, I would like to seek your help and cooperation for improving the system. You can send your feedback and suggestions to your concerned Master Bhander. I would further request IG (Adm/Welfare) of all the CAPFs to consider these feedback & suggestions and flag the relevant issues to KPKB HQr’s for making necessary changes in the policy.

I extend my best wishes to all officers and men of all the CAPFs, CPOs and State Police Forces who are contributing towards successful operations of Kendriya Police Kalyan Bhandar system and particularly to the team of officers and staff of Headquarters, KPKB, MHA

About US

As a measure of welfare for the serving and retired CAPFs (BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifles) personnel,the Ministry of Home Affairs has set up the Kendriya Police Kalyan Bhandar System that came into existence on 18th Sept 2006. As of now we have 119 Master Canteen which act as Distribution Centre and 1778 Subsidiary Canteens which sells products to our troops and families. Like other products CPC has also registered two wheeler and four wheeler firms to provide vehicles to own troops at cheaper rates. Later on, Kendriya Police Kalyan Bhandar facilities has also been extended to verious departments under MHA personnel and other central security agencies personnel wiz RPF, I.B, SPG, NCRB,NIA and all State Police Organizations.


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