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INTP and INTJ – Compatibility, Relationships, and Friendships - Personality Growth
INTP and INTJ – Compatibility, Relationships, and Friendships
INTP: Brittle Feelings and Deep Relationships - True, we’re a pain in the ass. We can’t be argued with if you’re going to take our step-by-step dissection of your argument personally. We’re going to want you to answer the Why about everything. We want to be taken literally, not seriously. We need space. We need you to stop assuming things. We always have a reason for everything.
16 types and stress ~ This is interesting, and so right. I'm an ENFP and when I'm stressed this is exactly what I do.
What Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Needs To Let Go Of In Order To Grow
What Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Needs To Let Go Of In Order To Grow | Thought Catalog
29.5 Struggles of the INTP Personality Type
INTP struggles in this world, from dating, to interacting with others, to spaceships, and goblins, and some of these things are not true, but which??
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Stressors that get me spinning: check out this INTJ stress head! #mbti #myersbriggs
INTJ. I take compliments as someone being sarcastic, every single time.