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Mastering The Imperfect Tense Verb الْمُضَارِع. - Book Two {L06-PI}
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Learn Arabic with 17 minute languages.
Test Your Arabic Part One (Beginners Level)
Why every learner of Arabic needs this book: ¿ A simple and enjoyable way of testing (learning or revising) your Arabic. ¿ Written in a simple and clear Arabic font which suits all beginners with enough space to answer each question. ¿ Built on an academic and methodological way by testing (learning) step by step words and then simple sentences and finally reading texts which some of them are authentic and have been professionally adapted to match beginners' level. ¿ It covers basic grammar and
Arabic Grammar For Beginners Based On Al-Ājrūmīyyah (Part 3: Indicators of I'rab)