Upcycled Fashion

585 Pins
How to sew a simple top from a men's button down shirt — Sum of their Stories Craft Blog
How to sew a simple top from a men's button down shirt
24+ Men's button down shirt refashion ideas - Swoodson Says
24+ Men's button down shirt refashion ideas - Swoodson Says
Upcycled Men's Shirt #8 (or maybe 9)
Stuff You Can't Have: Upcycled Men's Shirt #8 (or maybe 9)
DIY Men's Shirt to Tunic Top
DIY Men's Shirt to Tunic Top | Thriftanista in the City
Refashion Tutorial – Men’s shirt to women’s peplum shirt
Sparkably - Refashion Tutorial - Women's peplum shirt from men's business shirt
How to make a man's flannel shirt into a women's shirt dress