
389 Pins
Subtraction Strategies - Count backwards, number line, base ten blocks and more by beGalileo
Find subtraction strategies like visual models, number line, number bond, count backwards, tens frame, doubles, bar model, abacus, base tens blocks, place value table, split & subtract, decomposition method.
Multiplication Strategies - Arrays, skip counting, area model and more by beGalileo
Find multiplication strategies like equal grouping, repeated addition, arrays, skip counting, number line, number bond, lattice method, bar model, area model, place value table.
Combining Like Terms Using Algebra Tiles
This is a fun activity that allows your students to practice combining like terms using algebra tile models. Students will generate equivalent algebraic expressions drawing the algebra tiles models.
Writing Algebraic Expressions | Writing Expressions with Variables | Math with Mr. J
Writing Algebraic Expressions | Writing Expressions with Variables | Mat...
Translating Words into Algebraic Expressions and Equations - I Have, Who Has
This is an engaging "I have, who has" game that is the perfect activity to help students learn and enjoy translating words into math/writing algebraic expressions and equations. This is an activity to get all students involved at the same time! This is a great activity for 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade. Middle school students love it!