Writing Stuffs

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Due to the horrible crimes you have committed against the nation, you have been sent to court and, after a quick trial, sentenced to death. Just as you're about to be taken away, the doors to the courtroom open wide and in storms a person frantically yelling that they are in possession of evidence that will prove your innocence. The person looks at you and discreetly winks. This sudden twist is very strange for 2 specific reasons: 1) You have definitely committed all those crimes; 2) You don't know who the fuck this person is. Source: sstrangeprompts - iFunny
Ten questions to ask a friend who just read your novel Here are (en quesuons m ask mat will our pm your mend In a mugn spot. but will 51in give you same uselu! input on your novel: 1, At what point did you leel rrke “Ah. now the story has really begun!" 2. What were «he points where you fuund yourseli skimming? 3. Which semng m lhe book was clearest to you as you were reading in Which do you remember me best? 4. Which character woum you most [Ike lo meal and get to know? 5. What was the most suspenseM moment m me book? 6. w you had to pick one characterto gar nd of. who wou‘d you axe? 7. Was there a situation in me novel that reminded you of something in your own Me? & Where did you slop roaorng, the first time you cracked open lhe manuscripn (Can show you where your first uun pan is. and help you nx your pacing.) 9. What was me last book you read, be'uve mis? And what did you trunk ol in mm: can put their comments In context in surprising ways. when you und aut whal their general «meresrs are. u mvgm surprise you.) 10, Finish this sentence: “I kept readmg because. ' - iFunny
Probably saved about five versions of this but I need the reminder
I can’t believe I wrote this!
Responses to Being Stabbed - FunSubstance
// the last one!! "... actually no. I can complain; it's my own life. How dare you?"