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Kaltenegger, Ingrid, 1971-

LC control no.no2018011002
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2711.A547
Personal name headingKaltenegger, Ingrid, 1971-
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LocatedCologne (Germany)
Birth date1971
Place of birthSalzburg (Austria)
Profession or occupationActors Screenwriters Acting teachers
Found inKaltenegger, Ingrid. Das Glück ist ein Vogerl, 2017: title page (Ingrid Kaltenegger) jacket (born in Salzburg; actress and screenwriter; lives in Köln)
Imdb, January 24, 2018 (Ingrid Kaltenegger; actress, screenwriter)
Verlag der Autoren, January 24, 2018 (Ingrid Kaltenegger; born 1971 in Salzburg; actress; assistant director, acting teacher; screenwriter)
Associated languageger