Featured Tools
Link Generator
Easily create and share personalized links for enrollment, products and information that will be attributed to your doTERRA account.
Take me to the Link GeneratorDigital Marketing Kit
Sharing doTERRA is easier than ever thanks to the Digital Marketing Kit. The kit has everything you need to market your business online. From monthly promo graphics to product videos, you have the things you need for professional-quality marketing.
Click here to learn more about the Digital Marketing Kit
doTERRA Social
Social media management just got easier! doTERRA Social, is a new tool that includes a photo editor and scheduler, as well as analytics to evaluate posts. Connect your social profiles now and schedule everything in one convenient place!
Take me to doTERRA SocialUS Founders Club 2.0
The US Founders Club 2.0 Dashboard is where you can track all of your progress towards becoming a US Founder 2.0! You can see your own personal points for your Rank Advancements as well as your Enrollments and LRP. You can also see points for your Team’s achievements, such as your Personally Enrolled Leader’s Rank Advancements and their points for earning the Power of Three $250 and Empowerment Bonuses for the first time.
Take me to US Founders Club 2.0Power of 3
This new interactive tool lets you visualize your Power of 3 in a whole new way! Set your bonus goal, populate your tracker and view your team's LRP progress. Whether they have an LRP template schedule, an order already processed or have hit their TV requirement, you'll be in the know. Take a proactive approach to achieving your Power of 3 goals and try this exciting new tool today!
Take me to Power of 3Coming Soon
Creativity is thinking up news things. Innovation is doing new things.Theodore Levitt