The Tale of the Fox

The Tale of the Fox

This is 30s-European Fantastic Mr. Fox, somehow serving up the best looking stop motion I've ever seen, and with a dash of socialist revolutionary politics to make the whole thing extra special.

This channels the energy of peak Looney Tunes 10 years before Looney Tunes even began to peak.

This was made by a man who animated dead bugs the same year the Titanic sank because he couldn't get live ones to perform a story about domestic infidelity, inadvertently making one of the funniest films of all time.

This has some of the most charming adventure antics I've ever seen, equal parts lighthearted and twisted enough to make me cackle and giggle at equal turns.

This shouldn't exist given everything I know about film history and every expectation I had going in.

I'm so glad it does.

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