The ppeople who always complain about Steve leaving Bucky only see Bucky as Steve's one and only Bestie. In their eyes, Steve isn't allowed to care about anyone else but Bucky.
I agree with your post from start to finish. I will never get over the fact that Steve didn't tell Sam. We saw how Sam and Steve became fast friends and created a connection but in the end all Steve did was give Sam the Shield and he didn't even think about how giving him the Shield will affect him in any way. And to all the people who say," how do you know Steve didn't tell Sam what he was planning ?". Sam's reaction in Endgame spoke volumes. He was concerned about his bestie and thought something horrible happened to him. Sam was not calm like Bucky was because Bucky knew what Steve was planning.
And Bucky confirmed in TFATWS that Steve told him what he was planning. it seems as though Sam missed that memo. I loved the show but i wished we had gotten to see how Sam really felt about Steve being gone and that he didn't even tell him. Someone who had Steve's back from day one.
I could go on but i think i ranted long enough. Thank You for your beautiful blog and that wonderful post :)
honestly you don’t have to thank me for that. i think it’s bugging me more and more lately because we have cishets constantly going out of their way to invalidate sam.
saying steve only left bucky is basically erasing sam from steve’s life. in the comics, steve is wholly dependent on sam. like – it’s nuts how stupidly close they are. and i always thought the films kinda displayed the same until endgame.
like i’ve never once looked at steve as a character and thought, bucky is the only thing that matters to him, because it’s not true.
and the so-called steve fans who genuinely believe that (and trust me, a lot of people).
i’m on this discord right, and this girl goes, ‘i can’t believe steve left sam the shield and bucky and sam treated bucky like crap, that’s why i couldn’t get through tfatws’
and of course, me being me, i didn’t take that very well. mostly because a) you can detect the racism from a mile away and b) when ppl say shit like that, it’s up to us in the fandom to correct them. because – if you don’t, microaggressions will keep happening.
the fact that people call themselves bucky fans and still consider him a piece of property for steve to hand down? gross af.
and because i called that out, i’m mean and nasty and aggressive. :(