Business Model Canvas
The aim of this report is to illustrate the work done by the Job’scool team. Firstly, I will define how we designed the business model canvas, describe the issues that we dealt with.
But before I want to explain our project. The idea is creating a platform able to create a nexus between university student’s that are looking for an internship and companies.
Starting with the description of the business model canvas, we started defining the value preposition. Due to the fact that our paying customer will be companies, I start from them. Through an algorithm we will identify and reach the right intern. Student (our users) will add their competences, on our platform, accumulated during their prior study and internship (that competences will be certified by high school). The algorithm will scream it and match with the companies need. For what concern the student side, we will help them to build their experience and manage the profile. For both of the actors will cut bureaucracy time.
In view of the above, firstly we need more IT guys to help our team mate Patrick in the creation of our software, we need also someone specialized in marketing and social media solutions.
We have also identified some partner that will help us in all process. The most important one is a skills database that will provided us a huge list of competences. This will drastically cut the time to develop the software. Partnership with Universities and associations can help us in the reaching of the critic mass of customers and users.
Our revenue strategy is in a first instance too give free registration to companies, then they will pay us until the first intern is found. We decide to adopt we strategy in order to create the first critical mass. In the future this could probably change. The second source of income is advert all companies that need to find an intern shortly, we are going to set a fee for this addition service. Lastly, in the long run we would adopt date selling strategy.
Last but not the least, we want to reach our customer segment through different channels, such as social media, own website, mobile app, university website and call center.
To conclude, our major cost will be software development and maintenance, staff cost, in particular marketing and sales.