How to implement CI/CD for your Vertex AI Machine Learning Pipeline

Automatically deploy and run your machine learning pipeline. A real deep dive, step by step.

Sascha Heyer
Google Cloud - Community


In this article, we cover how Vertex AI Pipelines are scheduled and gather a deep understanding of the inner workings. We use that knowledge to implement an automatic deployment for our machine learning pipeline.

At the end of this article, you have a Vertex AI Pipeline that is updated automatically based on changes in the GitHub Repository.

This article covers an interim solution until Google provides a more flexible way of integrating Vertex AI into a CI/CD environment.

Let’s recap

In my previous article, I covered the basic knowledge and a bunch of best practices around the Vertex AI Pipeline. If you’re new to Vertex AI Pipeline I recommend starting with that article and coming back to this one.

There is one concept I want to highlight again, keep that in mind as you go through…



Sascha Heyer
Google Cloud - Community

Hi, I am Sascha, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at @DoiT. Support me by becoming a Medium member 🙏