Lineage 2
October 2003 (21 years ago)
Lineage 2. The legend that started it all. MMORPG with a huge open world and a variety of social features. Become a powerful warrior, play a new class (the Death Knight) and join the fight for dominance!
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Lineage 2 has currently approximately 25k players daily.
Lineage 2 is an older MMORPG released in 2003, which typically results in a lower player base today. However, it has a dedicated fanbase and ongoing updates, allowing it to maintain a modest daily active player count.
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Lineage 2
October 2003 (21 years ago)
Lineage 2. The legend that started it all. MMORPG with a huge open world and a variety of social features. Become a powerful warrior, play a new class (the Death Knight) and join the fight for dominance!
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Lineage 2 has currently approximately 25k players daily.
Lineage 2 is an older MMORPG released in 2003, which typically results in a lower player base today. However, it has a dedicated fanbase and ongoing updates, allowing it to maintain a modest daily active player count.
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