Heat Recovery Systems
With heat recovery systems, your company can reduce energy costs and environmental impact by recovering waste heat or steam and using it for other system applications. The recovered heat and steam can be recycled to be used as-is, or used to heat new feedwater. The result is saving both fuel and money. There are two different approaches to heat recovery.
MPN Boilers can help you create an integrated design solution that will meet your exact requirements and minimize your expenses. We work with a variety of equipment manufacturers to select the best product for your needs and then help you manage the installation. After the installation, we can provide you prompt delivery of parts and service to keep your equipment running in the best possible condition and efficiency.
Economizers are designed to reduce fuel use and costs by recovering heat from flue gases, which would otherwise be wasted, to preheat boiler feedwater. Cleaver-Brooks economizers are easily integrated to fit your boiler system, and each is built to our high standards. Three model configurations offer design flexibility to meet any application.can be utilized up to 2,200 HP for capturing the waste heat and preheating boiler feedwater, makeup water heating, hot water boilers and portable and process water applications. Economizers can be used in both condensing & non-condensing applications.
The Cleaver-Brooks CRE rectangular non-condensing economizer can be utilized on boilers up to 2,200 HP for boiler feedwater, make-up water, hot water or process applications. Multiple size options are available to optimize space constraints while maximizing heat recovery.
The Cleaver-Brooks CCE cylindrical non-condensing economizer can be utilized on boilers up to 250 HP for boiler feedwater, makeup water, hot water, or process water applications. Compact/ lightweight design fits space constraints while maximizing heat recovery.
The Cleaver-Brooks C2X 2-stage condensing economizer captures heat through both a traditional stack economizer section and a condensing section. It can be utilized on boilers up to 2,200 HP. The lower section recovers energy by preheating boiler feedwater. The upper section preheats cool liquid streams, such as make-up water, process water or hot water preheating.
Blowdown Heat Recovery
Continuous boiler surface blowdown heat recovery (BDHR) is the most effective method of purging destructive solids from any steam boiler system.
The BDHR automatically controls the surface blowdown to maintain the desired level of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the boiler, reducing the amount of blowdown to a minimum. It also recovers the heat from the high-temperature blowdown and transfers it to the incoming cold makeup water, maximizing boiler efficiency.
The blowdown heat recovery systems will usually result in a payback in a few short months from fuel savings alone.
Blowdown Separators
Cleaver-Brooks blowdown separators use a safe, economical, flash purification process for enhancing blowdown effectiveness.
Steam is rapidly separated from blowdown water and vented out the top of the blowdown separator in a cyclonic spinning action.
Cleaver-Brooks blowdown separators are compact and can be quickly installed with few connections.
Flash Tank Heat Recovery
The Cleaver-Brooks AHR flash tank economizer recovers heat and steam, which can then be recycled to be used as-is or used to heat new feedwater, thus saving fuel and money. This system quickly pays for itself with fuel savings resulting from recycled heat that would otherwise be wasted through exhaust. Our flash tank is a coil-type, flash tank heat exchanger. It is a compact, low-cost alternative to the shell-and-tube design.