Every time I feel like I am getting a handle on the website I am creating for Super Agent Fred's art, I suddenly have my ass handed to me. These setbacks lead to a dance my people call One Fucking Step Forward, Two Fucking Steps Back, Fall Down On Your Face, ChaChaCha.
This all started when Super Agent Fred died, the inconsiderate little pea brain. And now that I think about it that in itself was a pretty serious setback. His death meant that SOMEBODY had to deal with all of his art. How did that somebody turn out to be me? I'm not sure, I wasn't paying attention, but I suspect it was mostly because of my tendency towards OCD. But even the most serious OCD can only do so much in the face of ongoing delays.
Let's just consider these complications in order, shall we? The very first setback was moving all the art pieces over here to my apartment. As I was wrestling them across town, my initial estimate of how many there are was somewhere around 100. I have since come to realize that was laughably low. I keep revising the total upwards, currently I'm guessing there are about 400 pieces. In case you have trouble with math like I do, the technical term for 400 is A Lot.
Once it was all over here, the collection (which consists of paintings on canvas, drawings on heavy paper, collages, big pieces, little pieces, lotsa pieces) was pretty much a mountain filling up my guest room. I made a couple of half-hearted passes at tidying it all up, but it remained an overwhelming heap looming there. That was in late September and I concentrated on ignoring it.
My idea was that I would take pictures of each piece, post them on a website here on blogger.com, and then advertise that site on places like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace as "Free Art" and hopefully recycle all this art out into the wide world. I still think it's a good idea, but executing it turned out to be held up by setback number 2, and this is a big one, the fact that I am a lazy slug.
Weeks went by with me putting off the very first step which was taking those pictures. When I finally realized I would never become the kind of go-getter who would take all those photos, I decided to hire someone. Setback number three then was finding a photographer and setting up a photo session. You can read all about that here, but the TLDR version is that once I contacted him, boom, he was over here and finished the job in just a few hours. Thank God somebody is on top of things.
So I created the blog and loaded the pictures on to it, a task that only took a few minutes, but which I was able to stretch out over several more weeks, and which we should think of as setbacks number four and five.
And that's where we have currently run aground. Now that all the pieces are up on the blog, I am labeling each one with its measurements, a description ("ink and acrylic on heavy stock" for instance,) and reference number, so when people clamor for their own masterpiece I will know which one they're talking about.
Setback number 6 turned out to be that when I finally set to putting together those labels, I discovered my "organizational system" of dumping all the pieces into heaps around the room didn't lend itself to tracking down each one of them when I needed to find it to measure and describe it. So I spent an afternoon actually grouping the works into categories that I could lay my hands on when I needed them.
It was during this uncharacteristic burst of organizing that I ran across the latest setback, number 7, which was that apparently, the photographer did not photograph all the pieces. In his defense, I don't think he deliberately skipped some, more likely, the shambles he had to master simply meant that there were some he wound up overlooking. So now I need to get him back over here to finish.
I know, I know, I know, you're thinking "mrpeenee, just get on with it," and I will. But every time one of these reversals rears up and smacks me in the face, I am so overwhelmed, I just take to my bed. Defeated, I slink out of the guest room, lie down with Toby curled up next to me and his little head on my shoulder (so fucking SWEET) and comfort myself by looking at porn. Because I always have energy for smut. Procrastination is one of my overwhelming problems, but I'm trying to bear in mind that I have actually made progress, just not very much and not very quickly. But like I said, one fucking step forward . . . .
Guys I would not put off: