Subtlety Rogue Talents
Talents in World of Warcraft define your character's gameplay. They offer active abilities for offense and defense, major cooldowns, or passive enhancements to your stats and spells. Here are the current Subtlety Rogue talents for The War Within Season 2.
Where to Find Talents
Talents can be found in the talent menu, which is accessible by pressing the
key (default) or by clicking the target icon in the micro menu:
Class Talents
Class talents represent a common tree shared across all Rogue specializations. These talents provide foundational skills and enhancements essential to the Rogue class, offering a range of abilities that lay the groundwork for a Rogue's overall capabilities.
Name | Cast | Effect |
Instant - Melee Range | Attack with your off-hand, dealing 2 Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison. Awards 1 combo point. |
Instant - 15 Yd Range - 2 Min Cooldown | Blinds the target, causing it to wander disoriented for 1 min. Damage may interrupt the effect. Limit 1. |
Instant - 2 Min Cooldown | Provides a moment of magic immunity, instantly removing all harmful spell effects. The cloak lingers, causing you to resist harmful spells for 5 sec. |
Instant - 2 Min Cooldown | Increases your dodge chance by 100% for 10 sec. |
Instant - Melee Range - 25 Sec Cooldown | Gouges the eyes of an enemy target, incapacitating for 4 sec. Damage may interrupt the effect. Must be in front of your target. Awards 1 combo point. |
Passive | Blind has 50% reduced cooldown, 70% reduced duration, and applies to all nearby enemies. |
Passive | Shadowstep has 1 additional charge. |
Passive | Increases the non-damaging effects of your weapon poisons by 20%. |
Passive | Evasion also reduces damage taken by 20%, and Feint also reduces non-area-of-effect damage taken by 20%. |
Passive | Fatal attacks instead reduce you to 7% of your maximum health. For 3 sec afterward, you take 85% reduced damage. Cannot trigger more often than once per 6 min. |
Instant - 100 Yd Range - 30 Sec Cooldown | Redirects all threat you cause to the targeted party or raid member, beginning with your next damaging attack within the next 30 sec and lasting 6 sec. |
Passive | Enemies have 30% reduced damage and healing for 6 sec after Blind or Sap's effect on them ends. |
Passive | Wound Poison can now stack 2 additional times. |
Passive | Energy cost of Feint and Crimson Vial reduced by 10. |
Passive | Reduces the cooldown of Sprint by 60 sec. |
Passive | While Stealth or Shadow Dance is active, you move 20% faster. |
Passive | Crippling Poison reduces movement speed by an additional 10%. |
Passive | Movement speed increased by 15%. |
Passive | Increases the healing you receive from Crimson Vial, healing potions, and healthstones by 25%. |
Passive | Reduces the duration of movement slowing effects 30%. |
Passive | Sprint increases movement speed by an additional 30% and has 4 sec increased duration. |
Passive | The Energy costs of Kidney Shot, Cheap Shot, Sap, and Distract are reduced by 20%. |
Passive | Leech increased by 2% while Stealthed. |
1.5 Sec Cast | Coats your weapons with a Non-Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy, clouding their mind and slowing their attack and casting speed by 15% for 10 sec. |
1.5 Sec Cast | Coats your weapons with a Non-Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy, reducing their damage by 3.0% for 10 sec. |
Passive | Physical damage taken reduced by 5%. |
Passive | Feint has 1 additional charge. |
Passive | Shroud of Concealment has 50% reduced cooldown. |
Passive | Increases the critical strike chance of your attacks that generate combo points by 5%. |
Passive | Increases the damage of your weapon poisons by 10%. |
Passive | Auto-attacks increase auto-attack damage and movement speed by 1.0% for 3 sec, stacking up to 10%. |
Passive | Ambush generates 1 additional combo point. |
Passive | Energy cost of finishing moves reduced by 6%. |
Passive | Adds a Leeching effect to your Lethal poisons, granting you 3% Leech. |
Passive | Critical strike chance increased by 2%. Critical strike damage bonus of your attacks that generate combo points increased by 20%. |
Passive | Slice and Dice heals you for up to 1% of your maximum health per 3 sec. |
Passive | Your finishing moves have a 10% chance per combo point to grant 1% Haste for 15 sec, stacking up to 5 times. |
Passive | You are healed for 30% of your maximum health over 6 sec after activating Vanish. |
Passive | Increases your maximum Energy by 100 and Energy regeneration by 10%. |
Passive | Shiv supercharges 2 combo points. Damaging finishing moves consume a supercharged combo point to function as if they spent 2 additional combo points. |
Passive | Abilities requiring Stealth can be used for 6 sec after Stealth breaks. Combat benefits requiring Stealth persist for an additional 6 sec after Stealth breaks. |
Passive - 1 Sec Cooldown | Restore 100 Energy. Mastery increased by 9.6% for 6 sec. When your Energy is reduced below 30, drink a Thistle Tea. |
Instant - 45 Sec Cooldown | Increases the critical strike chance of your next damaging ability by 100%. |
Passive | After consuming a supercharged combo point, your next Mutilate also strikes the target with an Echoing Reprimand dealing 631 Physical damage. |
Passive | Increase the bonus granted when a damaging finishing move consumes a supercharged combo point by 1. |
Passive | Gain 1 additional max combo point. Your finishing moves that consume more than 5 combo points have increased effects, and your finishing moves deal 5% increased damage. |
Passive | Vanish has 1 additional charge. |
Specialization Talents
Specialization talents provide Subtlety Rogues with unique abilities and enhancements tailored to their combat style. These talents differentiate Subtlety Rogues from other Rogue specializations, maximizing effectiveness in combat.
Name | Cast | Effect |
Passive | Your Stealth abilities reveal a flaw in your target's defenses, causing all your attacks to bypass 30% of that enemy's armor for 10 sec. |
Passive | Backstab has 15% increased critical strike chance. When you are behind your target, Backstab critical strikes now also expose a flaw in their defenses, applying Find Weakness for 10 sec. |
Instant - 1.5 Min Cooldown | Draws upon surrounding shadows to empower your weapons, causing your attacks to deal 20% additional damage as Shadow and causing your combo point generating abilities to generate full combo points for 16 sec. |
Passive | Shuriken Storm has an additional 15% chance to crit, and its critical strikes apply Find Weakness for 10 sec. |
Passive | After entering Stealth or Shadow Dance, your next Cheap Shot is free. |
Passive | Shadowstep's cooldown is reduced by 20%, and its maximum range is increased by 20%. |
Passive | Increases healing received by 8%. |
Passive | Your finishing moves heal you for 5% of damage done. At full health gain shielding instead, absorbing up to 10% of your maximum health. |
Passive | Shroud of Concealment increases the movement speed of allies by 100% and leaving its area no longer cancels the effect. |
Passive | Abilities cost 5% less Energy while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. |
Passive | Vanish grants you a shield for 6 sec, absorbing damage equal to 18% of your maximum health. |
Passive | Movement speed increased by 20% and damage taken reduced by 10% for 8 sec after gaining Stealth, Vanish, or Shadow Dance. |
Passive | Shuriken Storm reduces enemies' movement speed by 50% for 8 sec. |
Passive | Shuriken Storm increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 sec when striking 3 or more enemies. |
Passive | Symbols of Death has 5 sec reduced cooldown. |
Passive | Shadow Techniques generates 3 additional Energy. |
Instant - Melee Range | Punctures your target with your shadow-infused blade for 420 Shadow damage, bypassing armor. Awards 1 combo point. |
Passive | Shadow Dance has 2 sec increased duration. |
Instant - Melee Range - 1 Min Cooldown | Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : 307 total damage 2 points: 594 total damage 3 points: 893 total damage 4 points: 1,239 total damage 5 points: 1,544 total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. |
Passive | Your finishing moves generate 5 Energy per combo point spent. |
Passive | Gaining Stealth, Vanish, or Shadow Dance causes your next Shuriken Storm to have 100% increased chance to critically strike. |
Passive | After entering Stealth, your next combo point generating ability generates full combo points. |
Passive | Symbols of Death increases your critical strike chance by 6%. |
Passive | Symbols of Death increases your Haste by 6%. |
Passive | Shadow Dance has 1 additional charge. |
Passive | Eviscerate and Black Powder deal an additional 30% damage as Shadow to targets with your Find Weakness active. |
Passive | Gain 1 additional max combo point. Your finishing moves that consume more than 5 combo points have increased effects, and your finishing moves deal 5% increased damage. |
Passive | Rupture deals an additional 20% damage as Shadow and applies to 1 additional nearby enemy. |
Passive | Backstab and Shadowstrike have a 15% chance to hit the target twice each time they deal damage. |
Passive | Remaining out of combat for 6 sec increases the duration of your next Shadow Dance by 4 sec. |
Passive | Gain 25 Energy over 3 sec when you enter Stealth or activate Shadow Dance. |
Passive | Your finishing moves reduce the remaining cooldown on Shadow Dance by 0.5 sec per combo point spent. |
Passive | Your abilities deal 5% increased magic damage. |
Instant - 1 Min Cooldown | Focus intently, then release a Shuriken Storm every sec for the next 4 sec. |
Passive | Backstab and Shadowstrike extend the duration of your Symbols of Death by 0.5 sec. |
Passive | After striking 4 times with Backstab, your next attack that generates combo points deals 50% increased damage. |
Passive | After Shadow Dance ends, Backstab deals an additional 50% damage as Shadow, fading by 2.8% per sec. |
Passive | Eviscerate and Black Powder increase your Shadow damage dealt by 8% for 8 sec. |
Instant - Melee Range - 1.5 Min Cooldown | Lash the target for 317 Shadow damage, causing each combo point spent within 12 sec to lash for an additional 65. Dealing damage with Flagellation increases your Mastery by 1.2%, persisting 12 sec after their torment fades. |
Passive | Symbols of Death has 2 additional charges and increases damage by an additional 6%. |
Passive | Shadow Dance increases damage by an additional 30%. |
Passive | Eviscerate, Rupture, and Black Powder increase the damage of the next use of the same finishing move by 30%. |
Passive | After activating Symbols of Death, your next 2 attacks that generate combo points deal 35% increased damage and are guaranteed to critically strike. |
Passive | While Symbols of Death is active, your Shadow Techniques triggers 40% more frequently, stores 1 additional combo point, and finishing moves can use those stored when there are enough to refresh full combo points. |
Passive | Shadow Dance increases the damage of your attacks that generate or spend combo points by 6%, increased by an additional 6% for each different attack used. |
Instant - Melee Range - 45 Sec Cooldown | Lashes out at the target, inflicting 1,734 Shadow damage and causing your next 3 finishing moves to cost no Energy. Awards 3 combo points. |
Passive | Your attacks that deal Nature or Bleed damage now deal Shadow instead. Shadow damage increased by 10%. |
Hero Talents
Hero talents allow for deeper customization of the Subtlety Rogue class fantasy, further enhancing its combat effectiveness.
Name | Cast | Effect |
Passive | Backstab and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing 1,975 damage. Targets struck are Fazed for 10 sec. Fazed enemies take 5% more damage from you and cannot parry your attacks. This effect may occur once every 20 sec. |
Passive | Attacks that generate combo points deal 50% increased critical strike damage to Fazed targets. |
Passive | You take 5% reduced damage from Fazed targets. |
Passive | Feint reduces damage taken from area-of-effect attacks by an additional 10% |
Passive | Unseen Blade and Secret Technique increase the damage of your finishing moves by 3% for 12 sec. Multiple applications may overlap. |
Passive | Tricks of the Trade's threat redirect duration is increased to 1 hour. |
Passive | Blind and Shroud of Concealment have 10% reduced cooldown. Pick Pocket and Sap have 10 yd increased range. |
Passive | Secret Technique applies Fazed to any targets struck. |
Passive | Slice and Dice grants 10% additional attack speed and gives your auto-attacks a chance to refresh your opportunity to strike with Unseen Blade. |
Passive | Taking damage from an area-of-effect attack while Feint is active or dodging while Evasion is active refreshes your opportunity to strike with Unseen Blade. This effect may only occur once every 5 sec. |
Passive | Secret Technique has 10% reduced cooldown and allows your next 2 strikes of Unseen Blade to ignore its cooldown. |
Passive | Distract now also creates a cloud of smoke for 10 sec. Cooldown increased to 90 sec. Attacks from within the cloud apply Fazed. |
Passive | Finishing moves have 10% increased chance to critically strike Fazed targets. |
Passive | Your auto-attacks, Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Eviscerate also strike up to 7 additional nearby targets for 60% of normal damage while Flawless Form is active. |
Passive | After 4 strikes with Unseen Blade, your next Eviscerate will be performed as a Coup de Grace, functioning as if it had consumed 5 additional combo points. If the primary target is Fazed, gain 5 stacks of Flawless Form. |
Name | Cast | Effect |
Passive | Ambush from Stealth applies 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to your target. When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing 637 Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 50%. You may only have one target Marked at a time. |
Passive | Your next Fan of Knives after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional 531 Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point. |
Passive | Auto-attacks against Marked targets deal an additional 132 Plague damage. |
Passive | Damage dealt to targets other than your Marked target deals 5% Plague damage to your Marked target. |
Passive | Your damaging abilities against enemies above 20% health have a very high chance to apply Fatal Intent. When an enemy falls below 20% health, Fatal Intent inflicts 96 Plague damage per stack. |
Passive | Rupture deals an additional 13 Plague damage each time it deals damage, stacking up to 10 times. Rupture duration increased by 3 sec. |
Passive | After Deathmark expires, gain 30 sec of 30% increased Nature damage. |
Passive | Symbols of Death additionally increases the damage of your next Eviscerate or Black Powder by 18%. |
Passive | Cloak of Shadows duration increased by 2 sec. |
Passive | Evasion reduces magical damage taken by 20%. Cloak of Shadows reduces physical damage taken by 20%. |
Passive | If you have critically struck with Shuriken Storm, increase the critical strike chance of Shuriken Storm and Black Powder by 15% and critical strike damage by 32% for 12 sec. |
Passive | Shuriken Storm and Black Powder deal 30% additional damage while 2 or more enemies are afflicted with Rupture. |
Passive | Each time you consume a stack of Deathstalker's Mark, reduce the cooldown of Shadowstep by 3 sec. |
Passive | Shroud of Concealment duration increased by 5 sec. |
Passive | When you consume the final Deathstalker's Mark from a target or your target dies, gain 40 Energy and your next Envenom cast with maximum combo points is guaranteed to critically strike, deals 60% additional damage, and applies 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to the target. |
PvP Talents
PvP talents are tailored for player-versus-player combat scenarios. Activated in arenas, battlegrounds, and the open world with War Mode enabled, these talents optimize a Subtlety Rogue 's performance in PvP encounters. They provide specialized enhancements that give players an edge in combat against other players.
Name | Cast | Effect |
The cooldowns of Shadow Blades, Vanish, and Feint are reduced by 20%, but using one reduces your damage by 10% for 6 sec. | |
Each second while Stealth is active, nearby enemies within 12 yards take an additional 2% damage from you for 10 sec. Stacks up to 6 times. | |
Shadowstep's cooldown is reduced by 67% when cast on a friendly target. | |
Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. | |
Sprint has 50% reduced cooldown and 50% reduced duration. | |
Finishing move that empowers your weapons with energy to perform a deadly attack. You leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 15% stronger effect. | |
Disarm the enemy, preventing the use of any weapons or shield for 5 sec. | |
Tricks of the Trade now increases the friendly target's damage by 15% for 6 sec. | |
Distract slows affected enemies by 60% and creates a Mirage that follows an enemy for 8 sec. Reactivate Distract to teleport to your Mirage's location. | |
Cheap Shot grants Slice and Dice for 15 sec and Kidney Shot restores 10 Energy per combo point spent. | |
Feint decreases your damage taken by an additional 40% while stunned and its energy cost is reduced by 30%. |